Just a quick note to let all visitors to this site that we haven’t disappeared!  All three of us that contribute have had unusual things to navigate through.  For myself, my wife and I have had the opportunity to have visits from several of our kids and grandkids.  In we are going camping with some later today, along with our horses.  Should be fun!  I have also been doing quite a bit of studying and collecting confirmations of much that I’d like to put into print within the next few weeks.  Much is developing that will affect every single human on earth.  We are most definitely in a time like none other.  The convergence of events is coming together right in front of our eyes, and I’d like to pull some of these things together in some posts.

Thank you for your patience and for those that take the time to read.  Please keep checking in on us.  We do appreciate it.

I have promised to address the phenomenon of “Elenin”, and much, much more.  Israel is also becoming more and more isolated from the rest of the world, and is facing the biggest challenges of its becoming a nation again in 1948.  The world is in turmoil, including the US. Much is going to change, and it’s going to happen at lightening speed.  So, be prepared.

The LORD tells us that we have nothing to fear if we have a living, walking, talking relationship with the ONE that paid such a huge price for our freedom.  Because of this, He has the right to expect us to prepare ourselves for our one-on-one meeting with Him as our life’s journey is examined.  There is no more time left to put off what GOD has required of us.  It is also a time when we need to quit living for ourselves and be available to anyone that GOD may send across our paths.  GOD is not willing that any perish, and so has provided the way of escape.  It is on HIS terms though, and none other.  Is that fair?  Some think not, but it does not matter, nor does it enter into the equation.  GOD is just though, and He will prove it.

More real soon…


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