Where Are The Prophets Today?

As long as man has been on the earth, he has always wanted to know and understand the future. After Jesus shocked his disciples by telling them that there was a day coming when not one stone of the Temple would be left upon another, they came to Him and asked Him in Matthew 24:3-8: “As Jesus was sitting on […]

Walking In Intimacy With God, Part 5

I want to discuss worship and its importance to the intimate walk with Christ. The subject of worship is not something that can be left out when discussing spiritual intimacy with God because spiritual intimacy is fueled by worship. Many do not understand what real worship is. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “the act of showing respect and love for […]

Walking In Intimacy With God, Part 4

In a world that is moving as fast as today’s world, it takes making a conscious effort to make time to commune with God. The best of the relationship between a human and his Creator does not come with a quick prayer over a meal or our “now I lay me down to sleep” prayer. A close walk with God must be pursued, but God will be there for anyone that makes an honest effort! It is essential in our imploding world.


Intimacy With God, Part 3

As is typical for our time, it is too easy to go through all the motions of going to church, drop some dollars into the offering, be pious for the songs, worship, and even the sermon. Then we go home and forget that our intimate walk with God still much be #1 in our lives or we’re completely missing the boat. We’re right at the end of the age and need to be as close to our Lord as possible. He’s about to call us home. We must be about our Father’s business. We also need to finish well!


Intimacy With God, Part 2

Have you ever thought about heaven, specifically trying to imagine God’s throne?  I have! We generally envision God with a throne high up on a heavenly mountain of some type way up in an unapproachable location. Most of us have heard various stories of people who have either had after-death experiences or possibly had the supernatural experience of having been […]

The Walk of Intimacy With God, Part 1

In the days we live in, it is more important than ever to develop an intimate walk with God–not just a shallow “Now I lay me down to sleep” prayer, or even “Grace” at a meal, but a genuine walk with God. That is the only thing that is going to help us to navigate the days ahead.
