One of the promises God has made to His people is that He would never leave them nor forsake them. He also promised that all things would work together for good to those who are called to His purposes. This means that even the evil that the devil intends, is taken by our Lord and turned into His good purposes. There are many stories of events being experienced by the House of Blessing missionaries that prove this principle to be true. 

One of the events of the past few days involved a potentially deadly automobile accident. Brother Abdelrahem and six others were traveling in a car when the driver had a heart attack and lost consciousness. Control of the vehicle was lost and it went off an embankment of approximately 50 feet. As they were plunging over the edge, everyone in the vehicle cried out, “Help us Jesus!” The car hit the ground and was destroyed but no one in the vehicle received more than just minor neck bruises. They immediately provided medical attention to the driver and he survived. He in fact, regained consciousness.

Abdelrahem was able to reach the driver’s father, who lived not too far away and he arranged for everyone to be picked up and brought to his house. I won’t mention the name of the town for the sake of their safety. The father, Jarazih, then retrieved a calf to slaughter as a gift, but Abdelrahem politely told him that they did not want a sacrifice to be made as a gift to them. He then explained to him that they were followers of Jesus Christ, and His one time sacrifice was sufficient for all time. This caught Jarazih by surprise and as he laughed at Abdelrahem, he gave orders for two calves to be slaughtered. But it soon became evident that there was a major family rift between Jarazih and another man by the name of Abu Shaher. Abdelrahem shared some scripture with the men and helped them to find a peaceful solution to the family feud. 

After spending considerable time with Jarazih and Abu Shaher, a great meal was prepared for everyone. They then decided to open a church in their home. I am sure Abdelrahem has already arranged for someone from the HOB leadership to help them get established. When the House of Blessing missionaries left, they were offered meat once again, but Abdelrahem told them to just distribute the meat among the poor in their community. 

Another interesting story that was forwarded to me in the last few days concerns a large meeting held by HOB leaders with brothers Hael, Arshid, and Zaltimu along with many others in Sweida. After the meeting, some of the brothers traveled north into the areas where so many people have been slaughtered. As they traveled north, they came to a checkpoint which could have been the source of great trouble. Brother Abdelrahem began a conversation with them. After sharing with them for a bit, they became so interested in what he was saying that they stepped aside from the checkpoint and left it under the supervision of others. In time, Abdelrahem and the brothers were able to lead these men to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus. This is of course a much shortened version of what transpired, but these three men, Suhaib, Zamzam, and Rajai joined God’s family on that fateful day. Afterward, the brothers and the three security guards ate a meal together and had an opportunity to hear what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. The next day, these men were able to provide protection for the HOB brothers to go into the dangerous zone and rescue the 379 Christians mentioned in an earlier update. It was also these three guards who chose to sacrifice their own lives in order for the 379 Christians to be able to escape. Suhaib, Zamzam, and Rajai had not even had time to grow in their faith before they were killed. Three more martyrs joined the millions of believers who have lost their lives for the sake of Christ throughout the two millennia of the Church Age. They are now before the Throne of God in Heaven, as we find described in the Book of Revelation. 

Yet another story that was passed on to me has to do with a driver named, Kifah and his brother whom Abdelrahem was traveling with. The brothers had suffered greatly under the Assad regime and still had lingering effects, including a disease that produced growths and skin rashes all over their bodies. Kifah invited Abdelrahem and Zalatimo and their companions to a special Ramadan celebration. Rather than take part in the celebration, they returned to the house of the Muktar (like a sheriff in America), named Abu Al-Dabaat and arranged for a special dinner for him and the brothers, Kifah and Moataz. While with the men, they smeared their bodies with castor oil, mint, and a special blend of natural healing agents. As they then prayed for them, the men immediately began to feel their diseased flesh begin to heal. 

While they were in fellowship, they heard the shrill scream of a girl. The girl was hitting herself and continued screaming. The Muktar told Abdelrahem that the devil had taken his daughter over and now possessed her. He then asked if he would consider praying for his daughter. The daughter had become tormented by an evil spirit and Abu Al-Dabaat was desperate to find a cure. Brother Abdelrahem told him not to worry. “Go bring her mother and bring me a cloth. I want to put the cloth in her mouth and tie her hands and secure her legs.” When the mother came, Abdulrahem took the Bible and opened it from the middle and told the mother, “Put it on her chest under her clothes.” The brothers then prayed for her and commanded the accursed spirit to leave! Within minutes, Abu Al-Dabaat’s daughter was set free and had a very good night’s sleep! The father and mother were shocked at what happened. They said the doctors had no idea what to do with her other than to offer her painkillers and narcotics. They had no cure. But, then there is God! 

That series of miracles opened the door to share the Gospel with many people in the area and as a result, 172 people came to faith in Jesus. Praise God! 

Good reports have been coming in from many other locations as well. In the Deir ex-Zor area, 490 have come to faith; 575 in Aleppo; and 720 accepted Jesus as their Savior in Idlib. On a sad note, another 150 believers have lost their lives along the coast in northwest Syria.

Before I conclude this update, I will share with you a detailed list that I have received of leaders, teachers, and students in just four locations where the Bible is being taught.

Deir ez-Zor:  7 leaders, 18 teachers, 1080 students

Aleppo: 7 leaders, 15 teachers, 750 students

Idlib: 6 leaders, 13 teachers, 715 students

Suyda:  6 leaders, 8 teachers, 320 students

Reports coming in from the coastal area of Syria are that about half of the Christians have been murdered in the area. Some have escaped, and some are still alive and hoping to be able to escape. Brother Zalatimo is keeping track of what is going on there. The latest unofficial death count according to the people on the inside is that at least 20,000 – 24,000 have been slaughtered, and it is by no means over. Please pray!

The House of Blessing continues to plant the love of Jesus in all areas where the Lord has sent them. Many teaching materials have been supplied to all the areas. It has been a very difficult Ramadan this year for the House of Blessing, but many souls have been reached. Souls are being reached by the hundreds. Praise God. 

A new email contact has been set up by the House of Blessing. It is for brother Abdelrahem’s assistant. Her name is Rolla. Her contact information is Rolla Rolla. Her email is: [email protected]. Rolla, Abdelrahem, and brother NR have been working very closely together and God has been blessing their efforts abundantly. Anyone is welcome to email me as well at [email protected].  

Thank you all for your prayers and your much needed support. Jesus is coming SOON!

Forever in His Service,



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