Continued from Part 1… I have watched several more days of news and if I ever get time to put a bunch of them together, some may be amazed at the convergence of things that the world is beginning to experience. As I went to bed last night, I was reading a book like I usually do. I usually only […]
What Is It That God Wants Out Of Me, Anyway? Part 1
When one reads a cross-section of articles or posts written by Christian people across the land, you can get pretty much every flavor of thought and of course doctrinal position on a myriad of issues. When it comes to the subject of the troublesome time that we have moved into, it is the same. It is amazing how polarized people […]
What If?? (Part 3)
For some who have read the first two installments of this subject, it may have felt like a bunch of unnecessary railing against things that we may not see the relevance of. Yet, from personal e-mails I receive, the posts are being read, even as long as they are. Thank you. If I had a choice in the matter, I […]
What If?? (Part 2)
Continued from previous post… I was perusing the headlines again this morning as I usually do, and was once again overwhelmed with everything that is in motion in our world. It is on my mind quite a lot that I need to continue with a post that I started a few days ago, titled, “Are These Really The Last Days?” […]
What If??
Many people, if not most, see this blog-site as one of many on the internet today emphasizing the coming end of the world as we know it, and so emphasizing, “end time theology.’ I do make it a point to show how the world is changing and how these many changes are matching up more and more to the list […]
Grace vs. Man’s attempts at acceptance, March 1, 2011
Written By Paul Growing up the ‘son of a preacher man’ certainly had its uniqueness in some respects, but the greatest of these was the expectancy to “be good”. It seems I forever felt the pressure to perform for somebody, even if it wasn’t my parents. The theology that my life was immersed in taught that if I screwed up, […]
Is Creation Itself Rebelling Against Evil?
I would like to comment on the bizarre deaths of animals, fish, and birds throughout the world, and suggest a couple reasons for much of what we’re seeing happen. I would also like to bring some Biblical passages into the discussion while we’re looking at this.. Since about December 31st, 2010 we have heard and read about multiple strange deaths […]