I have a special request to share with those of you who are prayerfully invested in the ministry of the House of Blessing. I’ve been communicating back and forth with brother Abdelrahem again since he returned from his last trip up north. He has asked me to send out a special request for prayer. As most readers already know, the House of Blessing makes a major effort to evangelize during the Muslim month of Ramadan. Abdelrahim and other HOB leaders and volunteers have just left to take another trip to many of the areas where ministry has been planned for this month. 

A large group of at least 250 HOB leaders and missionary volunteers gathered for a dinner and special time of prayer for the days ahead. Abdelrahem said after they had spent several hours in intense prayer and worship, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them. Afterward, they all felt encouraged and knew that the Lord’s blessing was upon them and He would guide, direct, empower, and protect them on their mission. 

In preparation for this trip, the 250 volunteers were able to help with the huge job of printing an enormous number of teaching material copies. These are to be distributed among HOB teachers in all the locations they have been positioned, as well as Bibles that have been printed by an underground printer with funds made available by supporters. 

Brother Abdelrahem, now 85 years old, and a decades long friend of Pastor Rashid, is now overseeing all of the missionary work of the House of Blessing. He has a desire to make as many Bibles available as possible and also hopes to set up a number of small medical clinics so that people can be treated using the natural remedies that the late Sister Shakria was so well known for. 

Please pray. Abdelrahem said he is asking the Lord for thousands of additional Bibles. Several times, he said to me “Brother Jack, time is so short now. We are running out of time. Jesus is coming!!” I got the impression from him that he expects this might be the last Ramadan before the end of the age. Only the Lord knows, but we should always expect Him at any time. 

Please watch for a new Mideast Update in a day or two.

Forever in His Service,

Jake (Jack)

Note: If anyone has questions about how to donate, feel free to email me at:  [email protected].


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