I have been out of my office for a few days but want to pass on the most recent information that I have received in my last two conversations with Pastor R.
The Islamic month of Ramadan is in full swing and the House of Blessing missionaries are strategically located around the Middle East. Just in the first few days the results have been stunning. Wherever the missionaries are located, they gather crowds of people. Even those who are moving from tent to tent are finding interested listeners everywhere. It seems that people everywhere have been given a great desire for real Truth. The question they ask: ‘Is there any alternative to a religion where everyone kills everyone else? Is there really a loving God who is offering eternal forgiveness? ‘
Because of this, in the area where Omar and Same have been ministering in the last two or three days, already 3,000 have expressed that they want to hear more and, by all indications will commit themselves to Messiah Jesus. These two HOB School of Ministry graduates, along with another brother named Nadhan, gathered 1,400 volunteers to help with the work of evangelism during this special month of ministry. These volunteers came from a group of new believers who have been taking intensive Bible classes ever since committing themselves to Jesus. Because of the generosity of some supporters, HOB was able to purchase an order of Bibles from an underground printer. This has made a lot of difference for the new believers. Most of these people have never seen a Bible.
Sister Sarah, who has had a special ministry with those who have lost close family members or children in the Syrian civil war, had at least 260 gather to hear her testimony. There is no lack of parents who have lost children in this ugly war. God continues to show His mercy to all those who will allow Him to touch their lives.
In the Damascus area, Pastor R has been taken from one place to another, visiting the communities of believers. He has an opportunity to share and pray with them, and personally see the work that the HOB missionaries are doing. Pastor R also continues working directly with his twelve chosen men. These men oversee much of what HOB is doing. They were themselves able to bring 280 souls into the Kingdom of God since the start of Ramadan.
In northern Syria, Mufidah, Fadwah, and some of the Widow Sisterhood were able to minister healing to 46 seriously injured people. These all also committed themselves to Messiah Yeshua. Tragically, 13 new converts lost their lives in the last few days. HOB is now working at getting these buried.
Sister Hafezah and those that minister with her had large groups of people attending their communion services. Because of the many new Christians in the last few days, somewhere between 1,800 and 1,900 were served. During the same time, Sister Fatima served at least 1,400 more in central Iraq. These large groups do not include the innumerable small groups of 50-100 believers meeting together in different places. Pastor R said that he was able to witness these folks celebrating long into the early hours of the morning. He said they sing and dance before the Lord, singing new songs of praise and worship as the Holy Spirit gives them utterance. These times before the Lord sound very much like what the Church was experiencing right after the birth of the Gentile Church at Pentecost.
In central Iraq, Adel and the brethren were able to lead 350 to the feet of Jesus. Another nine believes were killed during the last three days. The hunger is great and people are dying of starvation, lack of medicines, and from exposure. Many have no place to lay down for the night. In fact, many have been running for their lives for days, weeks, or even months. The situation is quite desperate.
In Mosul and the surrounding area, Akram and Mustafa and the HOB missionaries there were able to share the good news about Jesus and pray the sinner’s prayer with over 700, just since Ramadan began! God is good!
Pastor R told me that the remaining 55 former ISIS captives have been moved closer to where Sister Fatima is located. They are healing more and more and are beginning to be able to minister to others once again. It is a huge miracle! Sister Miriam and those helping her are continuing to help them in their recovery.
A couple of unexpected blessings came in this past week. Pastor R received reports from both the Kurdistan area and the HOB missionaries in Iran. Both have been out of touch for months and it was good to hear the great work God is continuing to do with them. In Kurdistan, two Christian brethren, Anwar and Jamal were able to confirm that 250 souls were reached in their area since the beginning of Ramadan. In Iran, two of the brothers, Sahbanbahr and Mortadah, told of 150 additional souls that were reached in their location. God is good!
In closing, the reports are very encouraging. The hatred of the enemy of our souls is graphically displayed day after day in the Mideast, especially through those that think they are doing their god, Allah, a spiritual service by killing infidels. Because there is so much death and hatred, the people are wide open to any truth that gives an alternative.
For those that would like to help, the PayPal button below is convenient. 100% of all funds go to the work of the House of Blessing missionaries. The need for Bibles is great. Thousands are being reached and there is always a great need for this wonderful book, a book that most Muslims have never seen. We know that the Messiah is going to return very soon and the door is about to close. Could this be the last Ramadan? The hearts of the people in the Middle East have never been more responsive to the Gospel of Jesus than today. God is good!
Forever In His Service,
Jake Geier