The last month has proven to have a flurry of activity for the House of Blessing as they have prepared to minister during Ramadan. This might explain the increased number of Updates lately. Hopefully, this provides you, the reader and supporter of the House of Blessing, at least a glimpse into the things God is doing through the HOB missionaries.
One report I received a few days ago mentioned the name of two Druze sheikhs who came to faith in Jesus Christ. Their names are Sheikh Hael and Sheikh Arshid. Both men were so awestruck by miracles they witnessed that they knew they must give their lives into the control of the One who was behind the miracles. They accepted Jesus, asked to be baptized, and left their homes to volunteer their help to the missionaries and learn what it means to follow Jesus. As they committed themselves to the Lord, even though they had the position of sheikhs, they made it a point not to coerce anyone else into following the path they had chosen. This was for others to decide for themselves.
For those that may not be aware, the Druze, like other ethnic groups in the Middle East, such as the Kurds, live in several different countries, separated by borders drawn after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire in the early 1920’s. Unlike the Kurds, who are mainly Muslim, the Druze are a unique religious and ethnic group. Their traditions reach back to the 11th century and incorporate elements of Islam, Hinduism, and even classical Greek philosophy. Over one million Druze live primarily in Syria and Lebanon. There are also Druze found in Israel and Jordan, but to a lesser extent. According to the Pew Research Center, nearly all Druze (99%) believe in God, including 84% who say they are absolutely certain in their belief. But there are no set holy days, regular liturgy or obligations for pilgrimage, as Druze are meant to be connected with God at all times. Druze tradition honors several “mentors” and “prophets,” including Jethro of Midian (Moses’ father-in-law), Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist and the Prophet Muhammad. Several philosophers and other influential people are also held in high regard by the Druze, including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Alexander the Great.
What do they think about Jesus? They believe in Him, much like other great “prophets,” or “teachers,” and consider many of His teachings correct and true. They do, however, not believe in His divinity as the literal Son of God, or that He is the Savior of the world.
With Sheikh Hael and Sheikh Arshid having publicly become believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we pray that the testimony of their faith will touch a great many others within the Druze communities.
Many in the Middle East are being drawn to Christianity, not only because of miracles they have witnessed, but also because they see it as a belief system demonstrating genuine sincerity and true love for all people.
Brother Abdelrahem is asking for the continued covering in prayer. The travels they have completed and the many still ahead, especially during Ramadan, are very dangerous. There are many thugs looking for victims, but the Lord never leaves them on their own and they trust Him for His guidance and protection 24 hours of the day. Abdel has said that they represent God’s Light and Truth as ambassadors and representatives of Jesus, who proclaimed:
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.”
This is the truth the House of Blessing proclaims, wherever they travel.
At the end of the last trip, Abdel reported that there had been 72 people healed outright of alopecia, gangrene and infections in northern Syria, and 59 in northeastern Syria. They also left instructions for them on how to use Sister Shakria’s natural remedies. Another 940 people, men and women, were brought to faith during the earlier part of the last trip.
There is a growing realization that the new Syrian regime is becoming more severe than even that of the Assad regime. Knowing the history of Syria’s new leader and those he has put into power, and their past atrocities, this is not a big surprise. Please pray for the HOB missionaries, because things are very difficult. But, Abdel says that the missionaries’ faith is strong and God is honoring their faith.
The House of Blessing continues to pray that the Lord would bring multitudes of souls to a knowledge and acceptance of Jesus as their Savior and Lord. While traveling from location to location, brother Abdelrahem is working at opening as many small clinics as he can. Also, as they travel from one location to another, they are distributing teaching materials that were mass-copied before leaving on the trip.
Presently, at least four governorates in Syria need printed copies of educational materials that the House of Blessing already has. They are estimating that they need 20,000 additional copies. Because of war and regime pressures, the printer ink is in limited supply. Please pray that they can get the supplies needed.
Brother Abdelrahem reports that as of the beginning of March, there is a large number of new students that have been added to ones already studying. There were also an additional 480 who accepted Jesus as their Savior as Abdelrahem’s team traveled through.
Presently, Abdelrahem has left his home again and is once again traveling from location to location. Please pray for him as well as all those who are traveling with him and those who are positioned throughout the Middle East to share the Good News of the Gospel to individuals, or crowds; whatever opportunities are presented by the Lord.
Please pray for them all, leaders and volunteers. The House of Blessing has hundreds of volunteers scattered across the Mideast for Ramadan, both men and women. Pray for a great harvest while there is still time. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Please pray that the Lord of the Harvest would provide a supply of Bibles. In reality, thousands are needed. Thank you all!
Forever in His Service,
Jake (Jack)