Continued from previous post… I was perusing the headlines again this morning as I usually do, and was once again overwhelmed with everything that is in motion in our world. It is on my mind quite a lot that I need to continue with a post that I started a few days ago, titled, “Are These Really The Last Days?” […]
What If??
Many people, if not most, see this blog-site as one of many on the internet today emphasizing the coming end of the world as we know it, and so emphasizing, “end time theology.’ I do make it a point to show how the world is changing and how these many changes are matching up more and more to the list […]
The Perils of 2011??
During the time that this website was down due to server issues, I did a whole lot of research reading, thinking, and of course praying to the Omnipotent One, that is not only All-Powerful, but has all things well under control. That of course is quite contrary to human nature, especially when one has too much on one’s mind. I […]