Most of the world has heard of the renowned American Christian evangelist, Billy Graham. He passed away a little over three years ago, on February 21, 2018, at the age of 99, and is now with his Lord. Rev. Graham had originally written the article below in 2005 but was reproduced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and made available […]
The Reality of the Rapture … Part 2 of 2 … 6/19/2021
Continued from Part One… It was not only the Apostle Paul who warned against mocking. We find the Apostle Peter spoke about it as well. 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by […]
The Reality of the Rapture … Part 1 of 2 … 6/18/2021
This is a reprint of an article I wrote nearly two years ago, but the warning bells for this sudden supernatural event have never been as loud and clear as they are today! Part one and two of this fascinating study will run back to back. May they encourage you as they do me! Jake Geier ******************* The “Rapture” […]
Christ’s Journey from the Cross to the Throne
by Jake Geier The very center point of human history is punctuated by one man whose life had a greater effect on the human race than anyone who has ever lived. Although Jesus Christ was not born exactly on the year -0-, nor did He die on that year, the timeline of history wraps around His life. The time before […]
A thread which begins in Genesis and carries through the entire Bible has to do with God’s intervention on behalf of the fallen human race through the blood sacrifice of the Messiah. The story line which begins in the very first chapter of the Holy Scriptures is continued to its completion in the very last chapter of the last book […]
Polytheism will continue to be brought up by those who are uncomfortable with this subject, and the question is asked: Is the God we worship one God of many gods? Absolutely not—not in a polytheistic sense. One of the basic non-negotiable doctrines of true Christianity is that there is only one all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present GOD. He is the Almighty, and […]
The Worthy One…The Lamb of GOD As we continue our study, we look at a heavenly scene that is difficult for us as earthbound mortals to imagine—yet, God chose to give us a glimpse. Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation describes a scene that John the Revelator was given with Almighty GOD sitting on His throne. Then, in Chapter […]
The Materialistic Worldly Church…. After taking note of what the Messiah had to say to the first six churches listed in Revelation 2-3, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, and Philadelphia, we come to the very last letter to the churches, the Church of Laodicea. Each of these letters included instructions from the Messiah specific to the first century Church to […]
The Faithful Church Of the letters sent by Jesus to seven churches, only two received no criticism. The Church of Philadelphia was one of these. The name Philadelphia in the Greek means brotherly love or love of the brethren. The Church of Philadelphia has also been called The Missionary Church. There are many Scriptures about love. Let’s look at two […]
The Dead Church Studies of the letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3 are fascinating, but I find the letter to the Church of Sardis of particular interest. The things Jesus had to say in describing this church are unique, and I believe you will find the same as we take an in-depth look at this passage of Scripture. Let’s […]