MIDEAST UPDATE…5/24/2024…”Comfort One Another With These Words”

Often when I make a quick rundown of the latest world news, I think of a passage of Isaiah 55: Seek the LORD while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD. And He will have mercy on him; […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…5/2/2024…”Times and Seasons”

One of the disturbing facts that is becoming clearer by the day is that there are those in our world who, even though unelected by the populous, are in a position to make decisions according to their agenda that adversely affect everyone on the planet. A question that inevitably crosses our minds and sometimes plagues people is: Does God not […]


MIDEAST UPDATE … 4/8/2024 … JESUS — The LIGHT in a Very Dark World

A thought… Take a moment to contemplate contrasting characteristics of light and darkness. In the Bible, darkness is a symbol of evil. What is darkness? Darkness is an absence — the absence of light. It is the same with evil. Evil isn’t really a reality of its own, but rather an absence of a reality. Evil isn’t a part of […]


In One Hour Everything Is Going To Change

Watch out! Don’t let my sudden coming catch you unawares; don’t let me find you living in careless ease, carousing and drinking, and occupied with the problems of this life, like all the rest of the world. Keep a constant watch. And pray that if possible you may arrive in my presence without having to experience these horrors.  (Luke 21:34-35 […]


MESSIAH JESUS — GOD in the Flesh — Part One

In light of the fact that Resurrection weekend is only a month away, six consecutive teaching articles will be uploaded in quick succession. The true identity of Jesus as the Son of God, the WORD, will be taught by missionaries in the Middle East during the Muslim month of Ramadan — which, incidentally, happens to intersect with the weekend we […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…2/21/2024…”God’s Miraculous Multiplication Process”

As I was reading over a few Mideast Updates from years past, I ran across several accounts telling the stories of God miraculously multiplying the food when the available supply did not meet the need at hand. Most of us are familiar with the stories of Jesus first feeding a crowd of 5,000 men plus women and children. Another time, […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…12/5/2023…”Planting Seed”

Greetings Everyone: In my latest conversation with brother Talal, we discussed the week or relative quiet experienced due to the temporary pause in the war between the Hamas terrorists and the Israeli Defense Force. During this time, Hamas required an exchange of three Palestinians for every hostage released. The hostages released were primarily women, elderly, and children. The prisoners also […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…10/14/2023…”Be Still and Know I’m GOD!”

Greetings Everyone: I wanted to send out a very short special update because so many have been concerned about the safety of Brother Talal and others in light of the things that are happening in Israel. I spoke to him a couple days ago and he confirmed many of the things that we’ve heard in the news concerning the devastating […]


Chronology of the Seals, Part Fifteen…Revelation 8:1-5

In Part Fourteen, we took a brief look at the 144,000 evangelists in Revelation chapter 7 who had a special seal placed on them by God. The Bible tells us that the identity of these 144,000 — in spite of the fact that some religious organizations claim them as their own followers — are in fact Jews who have been […]


“The Worthy One” — “The Lamb of GOD” Part Two

It has been brought to my attention that a two part series by the above title covering Revelation 4 & 5 is missing in the archives. By request, I am making them available again. Both parts, one and two, will be rerun back to back  * * * * In preparation for a detailed study of Revelation 6-7 which includes […]
