Greetings Everyone:

I wanted to send out a very short special update because so many have been concerned about the safety of Brother Talal and others in light of the things that are happening in Israel. I spoke to him a couple days ago and he confirmed many of the things that we’ve heard in the news concerning the devastating attack by Hamas terrorists out of the Gaza Strip. By now, I am sure there are few who have not heard about the terrible carnage left behind after the attack. I am still finding videos that have been made public, as have most of you I’m sure. It was a terrible thing and shows the true face of evil. The Scriptures tell us that the “thief” comes to kill, steal, and destroy. The victims experienced it full force. We must pray for the survivors and especially the families that lost loved ones in such a demon-inspired way.

I received a text from Talal this morning and he confirmed that he is safe and feels quite secure under the protection of the Lord. He said he hasn’t gone out much because most of the shops are closed anyway. Many people are fearful of repercussions. I told him that we will all continue to pray for him and all of the House of Blessing community of believers. God knows us all intimately and knows our addresses! This is a time to trust Him in ALL things. Our world is not just changing in the Mideast, it is changing everywhere. But, the Scriptures foretold all we are seeing, and until our Abba Father calls us home, we will see our dying world fall into greater deception, depravity, and turmoil.

Jesus said that we would see, and have, trouble in this world, but to take courage, He has overcome the world and if we trust Him and stay faithful, we will reap retirement benefits that are out of this world! That’s of course not a direct quote of what Jesus said, but you know what I mean and it is what He has promised.

So hang on, we have almost completed our course! The 46th Psalm (one of my favorites) says this:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear…

In conclusion, please pray earnestly for the protection of the entire House of Blessing community of believers. I suspect that this war between Israel and Gaza is just the beginning of some very serious “birth pains.” The enemy of our souls knows his time is now very short and he intends to kill, steal, and destroy all and everything he can. His rage will not only be concentrated on true Jesus followers but also on God’s chosen people, the Jews. I suspect what has begun in Gaza is quickly going to spread well past the borders of Israel. This is what the prophets have foretold. We must trust our loving Father in all things!

More as I know more.

Forever in His Service,




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