MIDEAST UPDATE…9/17/2020…Our GOD is Alive!

I received two calls this week from Pastor R. The second one had an interesting surprise in it that I will share at the end of this update. Be sure not to miss it. As you’ll remember from the previous update, Pastor R said that about 800 or so of the missionaries had to take a bit of a break […]



I received a quick call from Pastor R letting me know that, out of the approximately 2,000 House of Blessing missionaries in the field today, about 800 of them are needing to go find some temporary work in order for the basic needs of their families to be met. Many of the missionaries are separated from their families much of […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…9/2/2020….”Forgiveness”

Over the years I’ve been writing the Mideast Updates for the House of Blessing, there have been many times when forgiveness was a major part of the storyline. Today, I have another brief story to share that again shows the amazing power of God’s love to bring people from the depths of sin and degradation to God’s forgiveness through the […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…8/25/2020…”To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain”

I received a call from Pastor R and, as soon as I heard his voice, I knew something had happened. He was barely able to hold back the tears as he told me that Pastor Farid had been killed just the day before. The details of what all happened are still being gathered but before I pass on what Pastor […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…8/17/2020 “Miracles Continue!”

Although miracles are much more rare in the western Church, they truly are happening today. It does however seem that they happen at a greater frequency in other parts of the world–especially in the third world. This is certainly the case in the Middle East today. Below is another example of what God is doing through His faithful missionaries. The […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…8/10/2020…”The Awesome Power of GOD!”

For those who have read the previous update, you will remember that an urgent request was made for prayer for Pastor R and several of the House of Blessing leaders. Pastor R had come down with a serious virus of some kind. It was not possible to determine if he was having a recurrence of the COVID-19 or if this […]



Greetings All: I received a special email this morning from Jerusalem, passed on by brother Youssef out of northern Syria, letting me know of a special need for prayer to share with all of you. Many of you readers have prayed for and supported the House of Blessing for a number of years. I am told that Pastor R has […]



I received a call from Pastor R asking if I could write a quick special update this weekend. The reason is because of a special Muslim holiday this coming week in which the House of Blessing has yearly made special arrangements for sharing the Good News of the Gospel.  July 31, 2020, on the Muslim calendar is the observance of […]



While getting a few thoughts together for today’s update, I was reading in the book of Hebrews. The chapter begins with these words: Since we have such a huge crowd of men of faith watching us from the grandstands, let us strip off anything that slows us down or holds us back, and especially those sins that wrap themselves so […]



It is an amazing thing to behold. A Scripture I have used again and again is Joel 3:14 where the prophet says, “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision. For the Day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” As the turmoil and chaos increases in our world, greater numbers of people search desperately for an escape […]
