I received a call from Syria once again this last Friday. Along with the good reports of the work being done by the volunteer missionaries and how effective the simple message of God’s love has been, I was once again stunned at the incredible danger in just being there, much less trying to share the Messiah Jesus with people! Looking […]
During my weekly conversation with Pastor R**** this morning, I was struck by how his voice relayed his fatigue and growing weakness in the face of serious physical health challenges. On the one hand, he is convinced that his time on earth is drawing to a close, and yet there is an urgency in his voice for the things that […]
When I received my most recent call from inside Syria by our friend, Pastor R****, founder of the House Of Blessing, I could not help but think of a Scripture found In Joel 3:14 which says: “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near…” Pastor R**** said that the volunteer missionaries who are […]
SPECIAL MIDEAST UPDATE, the rest of the story…! 2/28/2014
More and more true stories are coming out of different places in the world where God moves in unusual ways in response to the trust and obedience of His committed remnant. The Middle East is not being left out. This is a story that would be hard to believe and harder to verify if so many people had not seen it happen. The mainstream news however would never carry a story such as this one.
Special Middle East Update, Feb. 25, 2014
This special Middle East update gives an accurate view of what the life of a Christian pastor is like in Syria. It also shows how brutal Islam is toward anyone who believes differently, especially Christians. There are martyrs for their faith in Jesus every single day, but Jesus is about to call His own home, and very, very soon. We must be prepared, it was Jesus command to His true followers. The door to the ark is about to shut!
JERUSALEM UPDATE, January 31, 2014
The work in the Middle East by House Of Blessing has gone beyond anything anyone could have imagined. What God has done is stupendous. More souls have been reached in 22 months than have reportedly been slaughtered in Syria’s 3 year civil war! These are souls that will spend an eternity in the presence of their Creator! What a story it is!
JERUSALEM UPDATE: September 18, 2013
There are many missionary organizations around the world, most of them however being “nameless”, due to having to work underground. House Of Blessing, City Of Jesus Ministry, is one of these “nameless” ones. Access to financial help, and prayer from those around the world is dependent upon outsiders who are acquainted with the work being done. This is the case with these “Jerusalem Updates” which have been uploaded for the last 17 months after a personal trip to Jerusalem in March of 2012. This is a ministry that is legitimate, and very, very effective. Tens of thousands have found Jesus Christ the Messiah in the midst of desperate times. God has met them and loved them into His family. Please make yourselves available to this continuing amazing, miraculous story. It is still being written…
JERUSALEM UPDATE, August 21, 2013
Much missionary work is going on in 2013, none more difficult than in the middle of the civil war going on in Syria. A ministry run by House Of Blessing, Jerusalem is in the thick of it and are paying a very heavy price to share the love of God to people who have no hope, nor have they ever heard of the God of love who paid the price for mankind’s freedom, eternally. This is the last installment of a 16 month saga by H.O.B. and its humble founder.
JERUSALEM UPDATE, August 4, 2013
Since the last “House Of Blessing” update was uploaded I have had two additional contacts with our Israeli pastor friend R*. I found his updates quite encouraging and again found more reason than ever to keep him and his volunteer missionaries not just in occasional prayer, but earnest prayer as the book of James calls for when it says that […]
In the last few weeks, every weekly conversation I’ve had with House Of Blessing’s founder, R*, I’ve spoken to him in Syria. As most know who have read these updates, R* was badly injured weeks ago when he and two other men were attacked by ten men belonging to Hezbollah. While they proceeded to kill the three men slowly and […]