As we view our world today and the convergence of prophetic events, it is quite clear that things will never be “normal” again. All of the things Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 are currently unfolding exponentially. The evidence shows that the groundwork for the time of John the Revelator’s Apocalypse, has already been […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…9/1/2021…”Our GOD Does Not Miss A Thing!”
The first thing I would like to do in today’s update is to thank every one of you who prayed for our brother, Adel. Pastor R called to tell me that the Lord has touched him and he is mending quickly and doing much better! We praise God for His mercy. I have a little story to pass on today […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…Request For Prayer….8/26/2021
I received a call from Pastor R asking for special prayer. You will remember that two of the HOB leaders, Abed and Adel, had been shot recently while sharing Jesus with a crowd of people. Pastor R said that Abed succumbed to his injuries. A bullet had been too close to his heart and he could not be saved. As […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…..8/22/2021…..”One Day at a Time”
It has been about three weeks since I posted a House of Blessing update. I was aware however that after Pastor R had his second surgery he was going to take some time to recuperate by putting his responsibilities into the hands of capable HOB leaders, to give him the opportunity to spend time purely studying his Bible and communing […]
UPDATE: Pastor R
I want to thank each and everyone that prayed for Pastor R and his surgery yesterday. I received a quick note to let me know all went well and he is recovering. Let’s continue to cover him in prayer. This was his second surgery to remove cancerous growths in the area of his stomach. Let’s pray that he does not […]
Special HOB Update…7/30/2021…Pastor R
July 30, 2021 Shalom Everyone: Pastor R is going to need another surgery, much like the last one he had. The doctors have said that there is more cancerous growth in the area of his stomach that needs to be removed. He has been given instructions to fast until surgery time tomorrow. It is expected that his surgery will take […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…7/22/2021…”The Power of Humility”
As an introduction to today’s update, I would like to refer to an Old Testament story that I believe is particularly applicable to the latest news from Pastor R and the House of Blessing. The Old Testament has recorded within its pages the records of the kings of both Israel and Judah. The majority of the kings ended their reigns […]
Most of the world has heard of the renowned American Christian evangelist, Billy Graham. He passed away a little over three years ago, on February 21, 2018, at the age of 99, and is now with his Lord. Rev. Graham had originally written the article below in 2005 but was reproduced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and made available […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…7/8/2021…”Believing and Suffering for His Sake”
Philippians 1:27-30 Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, and not in anyu way terrified by your adversaries, which is to […]
MIDDLE EAST UPDATE…7/2/2021…Hezbollah Militants to Christian Soldiers
For the nine+ years I’ve written the Mideast Updates for the House of Blessing, more often than not have I had to include both painful things to share as well as the good. Today, I will start with what is painful and then finish the update with the good. I will first share a scripture that I have included in […]