In spite of all we are seeing happening in our world today, I think a good way to begin the year 2021 is with Psalm 118:24 which says, “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Those of us who are the servants of the Most High GOD can say this with […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 12/25/2020 “Buried Blessing”
Although the Christmas season is now passing us by, I would still like to begin this update in wishing each one the continued blessing of what the season of Christmas season is all about. In spite of the turbulent world we find ourselves in today, the miraculous story of what the Christmas season is all about is has never changed. […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 12/7/2020 “God is Good!”
It is hard to believe how fast this year has gone by. Here we are nearing Christmas already in 2020. What a year it has been! 2020 became a year like none other in memory. The convergence of extraordinary events around the world, including inclement weather, increase in geological events, Biblical signs in the heavens and strange cosmic events, rumors […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 11/20/2020 “Help From on High”
As the nations of the world are continuing to struggle with the COVID-19 virus, so are the people in the Middle East. The hardest hit are always those who have the least at their disposal to fight the virus. This is especially the case among the multitudes of people who have been displaced. Large numbers of the displaced live in […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…11/02/2020…”Do Not Worry About Tomorrow”
As I was reading my Bible during my personal devotions this morning, I read the passage at the end of Matthew 6 which most of us are familiar with. These are the words: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow […]
The New Testament Church was set up in a way so that everyone has a unique function, gift, or special anointing which is expressed through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 4:11-13 we find a listing of five types of leadership functions, commonly called the Fivefold Ministry. This includes the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. These functions […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/18/2020….”Our GOD is Faithful”
For those who have not been living under a rock, they will have noticed that we have been experiencing one of the most unusual years ever. Fires that have devastated huge areas of Australia, South America, Siberia, Africa, and many other locations— particularly since 2017—have only gotten worse, the fires of 2020 being the very worst of the worst. But […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/8/2020….”Looking Back”
Another in our series as we have been looking back at God’s interventions on behalf of the House of Blessing was recorded on July 31, 2017. This is the account as it was written on July 31, 2017. Be sure not to miss Sister Sarah’s story later on in this archived update! It is also interesting to now look back […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….9/30/2020….(Reprint): “A STORY FROM MOSUL”
While Pastor R is receiving much needed continued medical treatment in Jerusalem, I am not receiving the most current news from over the border where the House of Blessing missionaries are located. I have reprinted another one of the special stories from the past, a story from March, 2017 that is well worth rereading. God has done great things in […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…9/17/2020…Our GOD is Alive!
I received two calls this week from Pastor R. The second one had an interesting surprise in it that I will share at the end of this update. Be sure not to miss it. As you’ll remember from the previous update, Pastor R said that about 800 or so of the missionaries had to take a bit of a break […]