“SUDDENLY!” Part 10, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)

I have spent more time on the “Suddenly” series of articles than originally intended, but due to many questions in the previous weeks, I feel more in depth information is warranted. Our world is changing much more quickly than most are aware of. I heard someone say the other day that it would be much easier to keep one’s head […]


GOD’S MYSTERY, The Church Part 1 “The Loveless Church”

As most of us know, today we find ourselves at a time in history like none other. I have said this in other articles and have applied it to numerous aspects of our lives. Today I would like to apply it to the Church. What is the “Church”? Who is the “Church”? What is the function of the “Church”? The […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/12/2014

A common statement I hear more and more today is how near we are to the return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. It is not just hype thrown out to get people excited or spiritually jazzed, but rather as an encouragement to get our houses in order as well as finishing the race well. The imminent return of Jesus is […]


“Suddenly!” Part 9, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)

In Part 8, we looked at several Scriptures describing the days that Jesus warned would come. Several verses in Matthew 24 speak of war. As we look back at world history, it is plain to see that man’s history is filled with war. So what was Jesus speaking of that is different than what man’s miserable history already shows? As […]



I have had several direct calls from the Middle East in the last week, each one more awe-inspiring than the one before it. I am afraid it is way too easy for those of us living in the West where life still has some semblance of normalcy, to see the rest of the world as something off of this planet. […]



As I was contemplating the different things to include in today’s update, I reread Revelation 6, paying special attention to the fifth seal which is found in verses 9-11. It reads like this: When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the […]


“Suddenly!”, Part 8 (Apocalyptic Red Horse and Rider)

Often, those who pay special attention to current events and how they fit into the prophecies of the Holy Scriptures, are thought to be out of balance–sometimes even leaning toward fringe areas. Yet, as time passes, prophecy is fulfilled one Biblical prediction at a time, and things earlier seen as on the fringe become recognized as surprisingly quite real. Having […]


How To Walk In Intimacy With God, Part 13 (Final)

There is a vast difference between knowing about God, and “knowing” God. Our churches, Bible colleges and seminaries, are full of people who have accumulated a great deal of knowledge “about” God. Some a doctorate in theology and received high marks for their thesis, yet they do not “know” God!  We have evangelists who are in great demand to speak […]


How To Walk In Intimacy With God, Part 12

Jesus had told His followers, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Obedience to God is something many make light of. Yet, Jesus did associate love with obedience! When we trulyloveHim, obeying Him and His commandments becomes a natural outcome of our life as a believer. The two work together to draw us into intimacy with God. We […]



Time Running Out! I have more news to share after receiving another weekly call from Syria. One thing that becomes more apparent every week is the fact that time is running out. Most of us–even in the West, are getting at least some of the disturbing news from the Mideast and it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is a […]
