MIDEAST UPDATE…3/20/2025….”What New Doctrine is This?”

In my private devotions, I began reading the Book of Mark again this morning. In chapter 1:21-28 we find the account of Jesus setting a man in the synagogue free of an unclean spirit. Those gathered were apparently used to seeing people plagued with demon spirits, but they had never seen someone freed. The first comment made after Jesus’ teaching […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…3/5/2025…”Filled With Wonder and Amazement”

The last month has proven to have a flurry of activity for the House of Blessing as they have prepared to minister during Ramadan. This might explain the increased number of Updates lately. Hopefully, this provides you, the reader and supporter of the House of Blessing, at least a glimpse into the things God is doing through the HOB missionaries.  […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 7/14/2018 “…and they did not love their lives to the death”

It goes without saying that for most of us, it is nearly impossible to picture for ourselves what the conditions really are where many missionaries serve in today’s world. This is certainly the case with the House of Blessing missionaries. The circumstances vary from place to place across the Middle East, but there are some constants. Every day is filled […]
