MIDEAST UPDATE…6/5/2020…”In Spite of it All”

Just prior to my writing today’s update, I happened to turn to Acts 8-9, where we find the story of the Apostle Paul’s conversion from being a persecutor of Christians to himself becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. The feared Pharisee militant Saul became the beloved Apostle Paul. The first four verses of Acts 8, starting with Saul having just […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…5/19/2020….Nearing the Fullness of the Gentiles

One of the blessings for many people around the world is springtime—especially for those who have been struggling to survive the cold without any heat source. This is the case with most of the people who compose the mission field of the House of Blessing. In his latest phone call to me, Pastor R said that it seemed the weather […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….5/10/2020….The Harvest of Souls Cannot Be Stopped By Any Virus!

It is always a blessing to be able to share some good news! I spoke with Pastor R and he happily let me know that he, and many of the House of Blessing leadership who had come down with the Covid-19 virus are now over it and are back to taking part in the great harvest that is being brought […]



No matter what news source you pick up, the main subject matter is the COVID-19. The novel coronavirus took very little time to circle the globe. Life as most knew it has changed drastically. This is also the case in the Middle East.  As the Islamic month of Ramadan has now officially begun, Muslims are finding themselves in a situation […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…3/31/2020…”Work While it is Day, Night is Coming…!”

Just as the corona virus is becoming a greater part of world news today, so is it also becoming a greater reality in the Middle East. A concern for the last two months has been that the virus would eventually spread into the crowded refugee camps. This is now happening. Actually, the flu itself has killed a large number of […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…..3/19/2020….”Silence!”

No matter what news source one looks at, everyone today is talking about the coronavirus (officially named COVID-19) which has now been designated a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. The numbers of those infected and the deceased are increasing in greater numbers every day. One of the fears has been that the virus would inevitably reach the millions […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…3/4/2020…”Multitudes…Multitudes”

It is amazing to look back over the last two months and see what has already come about in 2020. I believe this year will probably be a year like none other we in our generation have witnessed. We are able to access information from all around the world and for those who are paying attention, it is obvious that […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…2/19/2020…How Long O Lord?

As I spoke with Pastor R this last time, he told me that the situation with the refugees being forced out of the Idlib area is only getting worse. And, as I monitored the news coming out of Syria the last few days, his words were repeatedly confirmed.  I know that most people feel they have enough to contend with […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…1/16/2020…”Ticking of the Prophetic Clock”

In Romans 8:22-23 we find these words: “…the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.” (emphasis added) For anyone watching today’s news, it is easy to see […]
