How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of them that bring good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, YOUR GOD REIGNS.  ISAIAH 52:7

It was only a few days ago that I received news about Pastor R’s feet and the likelihood that the toes would have to be amputated. Even though I was given a description by phone, I wasn’t prepared for how badly damaged his feet were when I received photos showing the toes black with gangrene infection. Then, I got the news that he had had a heart attack. The hospital staff told him that it was a good thing he was in the hospital when he had the attack because he would not have survived.  He was strongly advised to back clear off of his responsibilities in order to ease the stress on his heart.

But God always knows everything and has all things under His control!

Pastor R met with his top leaders and brother Omar and brother Same offered to pick up the load of leadership until Pastor R was able to return and continue what God had called him to do. What a responsibility they agreed to take upon themselves, but they knew that the same Holy Spirit that guided Pastor R. would also guide them.

Then, two days ago, I received a call telling me that God was intervening on behalf of Pastor R’s feet. I asked for photos and the next morning I received them. What a stunning miracle! But, then that is the God we serve!  I share these “Before” and “After” photos here so you can join me in thanking God for the continuing healing miracle that He is bestowing in response to the prayers of so many of you around the globe!

God is good!

Forever in His Service,

Jake Geier














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