I  have been wanting to put some things down on black and white for us to sink our teeth into.  It is no less than amazing how things are developing in the last few weeks.  I am going to take the prophetic statements that Jesus made in Matthew 24 and deal with them in detail, possibly in the next post or so, but for today I would just like to take a few minutes to at least show some of the major things that are coming together right now, before our very eyes, within days—not that everything He said is not unfolding as well, but for now…  So, hang on!

It’s possible that I will have to spread these comments over more than this single post, but we’ll see.  One of the potentially most explosive issues currently is going to be unloaded at the UN within a few days.  The Palestinians are going to petition the UN for independent Palestinian Statehood on September 20, 2011.  At the time of this writing, that is only a week away.  I don’t think that most people in the west have any idea that this is like bringing a container vessel full of C-4 plastic explosives and parking it right in the middle of the most expensive and fought over real estate on the globe—Jerusalem.

In order to be able to cover some other things also, I am not going to go into all the details of why it is Israel that has the legitimate right to this city, and the territory that it is capitol of.  I have written about this much, and will again, to be sure.  Here is what is wrong.  Israel has offered to split their land in order to make peace for years—not that they want to.  They are willing to give of the land that GOD Himself covenanted to give them if the Palestinian people will agree to a few requirements to make the whole process work.  Mr. Netanyahu said before the whole world that Israel would not be the last nation to recognize the world’s newest independent nation of Palestine, but would be the very first as long as there are the normal agreements between the two nations that ensure the survival of both. This is where the rub comes.  One of the most important of these agreements must be that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the sovereign State of the Jewish people, in return for the same recognition of the Jewish State for the Palestinian State.  Yet, the Palestinian Authority refuses to do so.  The reason is because both Hezbollah and Hamas, which they are linked to either through the government of Gaza or via political relationship, have charters that swear to do nothing less than completely obliterate the State of Israel.  Both of these terrorist organizations take their orders from Iran, who has sworn to destroy both the Little Satan (Israel), and the Big Satan (America).  It’s pretty tough to negotiate a deal of substance with these threats on the table.

Yet, the world expects Israel to agree.  Former President Jimmy Carter and his “Elders” have deemed Israel guilty of human rights violations, while totally ignoring all of the atrocities provably initiated from the Palestinian side.  Israel has been forced to free some of the worst of the mass-murderers as trade to what—PEACE???  It seems that some of the most intelligent people in the world have lost their minds!  How many would expect the same of their own homelands?  NONE!  So, why would Israel agree to this?

Some more questions:

  • Why is it that Israel is willing to hire Arabs to work in Israel, while not one Arab nation will offer the same to the Palestinians?  Most of the Palestinian Arabs are more than willing to work, and Israel is more than willing to add them to the work force as long as they are not a threat.   I say it again, why not other Arab nations? It appears it to be more to the advantage of the Arab league for the Palestinians to be destitute.  This way they are desperate and take their problems out on the supposed “occupying” force!
  • Why is it that the Palestinians as a whole are still living in some of the worst impoverished conditions in the Middle East, while multiplied hundreds of billions of dollars have been given to help them—with no requirement of repayment?
  • WHO MADE OFF WITH ALL THAT MONEY?  I’ll tell you who!  The top of the leadership!  Yassar Arafat for one, deposited enormous amounts of money in Swiss bank accounts before he died.  This is confirmed information, by the way.  Yassar’s widow now has control of that money.  Is she giving it to those she pretends to care so much for?  NO!  If all of the money that has been donated would have gone to the people and their infrastructure instead of weaponry, there would be no more poverty of any consequence amongst the people.
  • Another question:  Why is it that the tiny little nation of Israel is being forever hounded to give so much of their own land to the Palestinians when not one Arab nation is offering any of their own abundance of land?  Amazing isn’t it?  Another thing:  Has anyone bothered to check history to see what happened when the Palestinians rose up under the good ol’ boy Yassar, and tried to take over the Jordanian government.  King Hussein Sr. had to send the military to intervene.  It cost over 100,000 lives before it was over!
  • How many know that Mark Twain described the land of Israel as the most desolate place on the planet in 1867?  He and a companion walked from Nazareth to Jerusalem and did not see one human, nor even one animal!  Now Islam claims the land has always belonged to them, and always should belong to Islam.  It is also claimed that Jerusalem is Islam’s third most holy site behind Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.  Yet…their supposed third most holy site is not mentioned in the Koran ONE TIME, while it is spoken of multiplied hundreds of times in the Bible.  Isn’t that interesting?  Does that say anything to you?  In fact, there wasn’t hardly any interest in Jerusalem until the Jews began returning and turning the desert into a garden again.  The land wasn’t even called Palestine until conquerors permanently named it such in order to erase any and every memory of it from the Jews!  Hmmm…Are you beginning to smell a rat yet, and I’m not referring to any human…

Ok, I spent way too much time on this one issue after all, but maybe some reader has not been aware of all this.  Besides, it makes my blood boil.  Thank GOD that He is going to take care of His own people!! There is much more that could be said, of course…but another time.

For the sake of time—yours and mine, I am going to bypass a whole lot of history and a litany of events that have unfolded in the last few years for this article.  The long and short of it is that the Palestinian Authority is going to approach the UN for full UN recognition.  The UN alone cannot grant this, but the security council can with its five full time members.  The US has always automatically vetoed anything that would put their ally Israel into a box, but this time around there has been a nasty threat made quite clear.  Israel has been told that if they don’t officially apologize for the flotilla incident last year (2010), then the US may have a very hard time avoiding voting with the rest of the members.

In all fairness though, there is also word out that the US does not want to grant the Palestinians this and is looking for Great Britain to join with the US in a veto.  Whether this is a façade remains to be seen.  We do know that this administration is the most outspoken against Israel in both word and deed of any in America’s history.  That does not bode well for our country.  I have another post coming in short order having to do with just that.

So, we have this international collision on its way, and within days.  This will obviously not be decided on the 20th, or at least I really don’t think so.  This is going to brew for a few days.  It is worth noting however that the vast majority of the nations of the world have already been quite outspoken in their support of the Palestinian petition.  It is also worth mentioning that GOD has been quite outspoken in His condemnation of any nation that has any part in the attempt to partition HIS LAND.  It’s worth the time to think this through a step at a time.  This is not just a collision of nations on its way but a collision of many nations with the Sovereign GOD who has promised to see Israel through and who is not answerable to anyone.  HE IS GOD!  Let this sink in; this is coming within a week!!

There is more! Most have no idea of how crucial the events of the “Arab Spring” have become.  We have been duped into thinking that the Arab spring is a good thing because some evil despots like Mubarak, Gaddafi, and others have been taken out of power.  Oh Goodee!!  We are going to be the good guys that brings them into the democracy experience for themselves!  REALLY?  Is that what is happening?  What has happened due to Mubarak’s fall?  Or how about Gaddafi?  How about the monarchy in Yemen?  Who is taking over in Egypt?  Who is taking over in Libya?  Isn’t it the same Muslim Brotherhood in all of them? What happened when we helped remove the “evil Shah of Iran?  Then there was the great expectations of the revolution in Cuba that brought Fidel Castro into power! What disasters those all became.  So, what is going to happen when Assad falls in Syria—and HE IS going to go down.  He’s almost finished as of this writing.  Who will take Jordan over when it goes?  Oh, Jordan isn’t going to fall, you say??  Right!  I wouldn’t bet much money on it if I were you! That goes for Bahrain, the UAE, Qatar, and others facing the same rebellions within the citizenry that has been stirred up from the outside.

Here’s the scenario, and it is the real deal.  Syria is a breath away from collapsing.  Lebanon is already basically run by Hezbollah (which takes its orders from Iran).  Hezbollah, by the way, has the control of about 60,000 missiles which are aimed at Israel.  Quite a number of them have the capability of delivering chemical, biological, or nuclear payloads.  The mysteriously missing WMD’s that Saddam had were swiftly spirited out of the country and into Syria.  Satellite photos show the massive caravans rushing the materials out of the weaponry out of the country just before the Americans arrived.  French and Russian companies, as well as others were deeply involved in equipping Saddam’s arsenal in spite of the supposed restrictions imposed by the UN.  Wasn’t it surprising that Israel hit a large Syrian nuclear facility as early as 2007?  Where do we think they got it?  This was one of several facilities that Syria had—three or four of them for just storage of nuclear materials!

Then there is Jordan, who has been turning for months, and make no mistake—it WILL turn.  It has found itself in a favorable position by being protected by Israel’s very potent military for the past years but the monarchy sees the handwriting on the wall and sees Iran becoming the dominant fear monger in the Mideast.  So, to keep from losing its sovereignty, and its monarchy, King Hussein Jr. would rather bet on Iran’s protection than Israel who the whole world is turning against.  On the south, Egypt has already fallen and it’s taking a very strong stand against Israel.

Then there is Iraq on Israel’s border.  Do you really think that Iraq will stay “westernized” when American troops are not there anymore to keep the radical element in check?  Hardly.  It will revert to its roots, and as a by-product take sides against Israel rather than side with it.  Watch and see!

So how about the Saudis???  Their self-centered relationship with us will become as worthless as the paper that the FED is printing its trillions  of dollars on these days.  That’s not to say that the US hasn’t had some very one-sided arrangements with them as well through the years.  I have always been a patriotic American, but we as a nation have not been as innocent as we’d like to appear.  Research the records of the agreements involving Nixon, Kissinger and Saudi Arabia back in the 70’s for starters.  They reek of lies, backstabbing, and a whole lot of international back-room dealing that always had extra cards up the sleeves of the power players.

The point is, the Saudi monarchy is going to go down as well—and sooner rather than later.  This will complete the metamorphosis which will bring the immediate border neighbors of Israel into the place that GOD said they would come to.  Numerous passages in the Bible detail a preliminary war that Israel engages in that few have recognized.  Scriptures in Zephaniah, Obadiah, Psalms 83, and several chapters of Ezekiel previous to the much better known 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel that describe the much-expected battle of Gog and Magog.  This war will be with Israel–or rather the GOD of Israel.  85% of that massive multi-million man army overwhelming the Israelis is destroyed.  This preliminary war though will be so devastating that many will think it is the Battle of Armageddon!  I believe we, the church, will very possibly see this battle, whereas we might not see the one against the enemies of Israel that are not on their immediate borders.  The Saudi monarchy may not totally turn on Israel verbally, but will in deed.  Just a couple days ago, one of the royals of the Saudi family threatened the US that if they veto the Palestinian State, they will essentially become a very taste to all of Islam and the Arab nations.  This is of course nothing new.

We do have war on the horizon, and very possibly within days.  Only GOD knows when. That is only the beginning!!  What is going to be unleashed in the next weeks and months is going to be beyond anything that mankind has ever seen or even imagined.  What should we do?  Fall on our knees before our GOD and make sure all is well between us and Him. MAKE SURE!!!  Those that are walking with GOD have nothing to fear.  In fact, we’re going to be brought into the Presence of this great GOD that we serve.  Pray for those that are fooled into thinking that lip-service to the KING is sufficient.  IT IS NOT!

Keep Looking UP!


I  have been wanting to put some things down on black and white for us to sink our teeth into.  I have been amazed how things are developing in the last few weeks. I a.m. going to take the prophetic statements that Jesus made in Matthew 24 and deal with them in detail, possibly in the next post or so, but for today I would like to take a few minutes to at least show some of the major things that are coming together right now, before our very eyes, within day—not that everything He said is not unfolding as well, but for now…  So, hang on!

One of the potentially most explosive issues in a very long time is going to be unloaded at the UN within a few days.  The Palestinians are going to petition the UN for independent Palestinian Statehood on September 20, 2011.  At the time of this writing, that is only a week away.  I don’t think that most people in the west have any idea that this is like bringing a container vessel full of C-4 plastic explosives, and parking it right in the middle of the most expensive and desired real estate on the globe—Jerusalem.

In order to be able to cover some other things also, I am not going to go into all the details of why it is Israel that has the legitimate right to this city, and the territory that it is capitol of.  I have written about this much, and will again, to be sure.  Here is where this problem stands today.  Israel has offered to split their land in order to make peace.  They are willing to give of the land that GOD Himself covenanted to give them if the Palestinian people will agree to a few requirements to make the whole process work.  One of the most important of these is to recognize Israel as the sovereign State of the Jewish people, in return for the same recognition of the Jewish State for the Palestinian State.  Yet, the Palestinian Authority refuses to do so.  The reason is because both Hezbollah and Hamas, which they are linked to either through the government of Gaza or via political relationship, have charters that swear to do nothing less than completely obliterate the State of Israel.  Both of these terrorist organizations take their orders from Iran, who has sworn to destroy both the Little Satan (Israel), and the Big Satan (America).  It’s pretty tough to negotiate a deal of substance with these threats on the table.

Yet, the world expects Israel to agree.  Ex-President Jimmy Carter and his “Elders” have deemed Israel guilty of human rights violations, while totally ignoring all of the atrocities provably initiated from the Palestinian side.  Why would Israel agree to this?  The US certainly would not, nor would any nation in the world that has any desire to survive.

Some more questions:

  • Why is it that Israel is willing to hire Arabs to work in Israel, while not one Arab nation will offer the same to the Palestinians?
  • Why is it that the Palestinians as a whole are still living in some of the worst impoverished conditions in the Middle East, while multiplied hundreds of billions of dollars have been given to help them—with no requirement of repayment?
  • WHO GOT THE MONEY?  I’ll tell you who!  The top of the leadership!  Yassar Arafat for one, deposited enormous amounts of money in Swiss bank accounts before he died.  This is confirmed information, by the way.  Yassar’s widow now has control of that money.  Is she giving it to those she pretends to care so much for?  NO!  If all of the money that has been donated would have gone to the people and their infrastructure, there would be no more poverty of any consequence amongst the people.
  • Another question:  Why is it that the tiny little nation of Israel is being hounded to give so much of their own land to the Palestinians when not one Arab nation is offering any of their own abundance of land?  Amazing isn’t it?
  • Why is it that Mark Twain described the land of Israel as the most desolate place on the planet in 1867?  He and a companion walked from Nazareth to Jerusalem and did not see one human, nor even one animal!  Now Islam claims it has always belonged to them, and always should belong to Islam because it is such a holy site of Islam—in fact their third most holy site behind Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.  Yet…their supposed third most holy site is not mentioned in the Koran ONE TIME, while it is spoken of multiplied hundreds of times in the Bible.  Isn’t that interesting?  Does that say anything to you?  In fact, there wasn’t hardly any interest in Jerusalem until the Jews began returning and turning the desert into a garden again.  Hmmm…

Ok, I spent way too much time on that one issue after all, but maybe some reader has not been aware of all this.  Besides, it makes my blood boil.  Thank GOD that He is going to take care of His own people!! There is much more that could be said, of course…but another time.

For the sake of time—yours and mine, I am going to bypass a whole lot of history and a litany of events that have unfolded in the last few years for this article.  The long and short of it is that the Palestinian Authority is going to approach the UN for full UN recognition.  The UN alone cannot grant this, but the security council can with its five full time members.  The US has always automatically vetoed anything that would put their ally Israel into a box, but this time around there has been a nasty threat made quite clear.  Israel has been told that if they don’t officially apologize for the flotilla incident last year (2010), then the US may have a very hard time avoiding voting with the rest of the members.

In all fairness though, there is also word out that the US does not want to grant the Palestinians this and is looking for Great Britain to join with the US in a veto.  Whether this is a façade remains to be seen.  We do know that this administration is the most outspoken against Israel in both word and deed of any in America’s history.  That does not bode well for our country.  I have another post coming in short order having to do with just that.

So, we have this international collision on its way, and within days.  This will obviously not be decided on the 20th, or at least I really don’t think so.  This is going to brew for a few days.  It is worth noting however that the vast majority of the nations of the world have already been quite outspoken in their support of the Palestinian petition.  It is also worth mentioning that GOD has been quite outspoken in His condemnation of any nation that has any part in the attempt to partition HIS LAND.  Stop and think this through!  This is not just a collision of nations on its way but a collision of the nations with Almighty GOD—who doesn’t give quarter to anyone or any nation!  HE IS GOD.  Think about it.  This is coming within a week!!

Now, there is more! Most have no idea of how crucial the events of the “Arab Spring” have become.  We have been duped into thinking that it is a good thing because those evil despots, Mubarak, Gaddafi, and others have been taken out of power.  Goodee!!  We are going to bring them into the democracy experience for themselves!  REALLY?  Is that what is happening?  What has happened due to Mubarak’s fall?  Or how about Gaddafi?  How about the monarchy in Yemen?  Who is taking over in Egypt?  Who is taking over in Libya?  Isn’t it the same Muslim Brotherhood in all of them?  What is going to happen when Assad falls in Syria—and HE IS going to go down.  He’s almost finished as of the writing of this article.  Who will take over Jordan when it goes?  Oh, Jordan isn’t going to fall, you say??  Right!  I wouldn’t bet much money on it if I were you!

Here’s the scenario, and it is the real deal.  Syria is a breath from collapsing.  Lebanon is already basically run by Hezbollah (which takes its orders from Iran).  Jordan has been turning for months, and make no mistake—it WILL turn.  It has found itself in a favorable position by being protected by Israel’s very potent military.  The monarchy sees the handwriting on the wall though and sees Iran becoming the dominant force in the Mideast.  So, to keep from losing its position, and its monarchy, King Hussein Jr. would rather bet on Iran’s protection than Israel who the whole world is turning against.  On the south, Egypt has already fallen and it’s taking a very strong stand against Israel.

Then there is Iraq on Israel’s border.  Do you really think that Iraq will stay “westernized” when American troops are not there anymore to keep the radical element in check?  Hardly.  It will revert to its roots, and as a by-product take sides against Israel rather than side with it.  Watch and see!

So how about the Saudis???  Their self-centered relationship with us will become as worthless as the paper that the FED is printing its trillions on these days.  That’s not to say that the US hasn’t had some very one-sided arrangements with them as well through the years.  This is the truth!  Research the records of the agreements involving Nixon, Kissinger and Saudi Arabia back in the 70’s for starters.  They reek of lies, backstabbing, and a whole lot of international back-room dealing that always had extra cards up the sleeves of the power players.

The point is, the Saudi monarchy is going to go down as well—and sooner rather than later.  This will complete the metamorphosis which will bring the immediate border neighbors of Israel into the place that GOD said they would come to.  Numerous passages of the Bible speak about a preliminary was that Israel engages in that few have recognized.  Scriptures in Zephaniah, Obadiah, Psalms 83, and several chapters of Ezekiel previous to the famous 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel that describe the battle of Gog and Magog versus Israel–or rather the GOD of Israel, in which 85% of that massive multi-million man army is destroyed, describe another war that is so devastating that many think it is the Battle of Armageddon!  I believe we, the church, will happen to see this battle, whereas we might not see the one against the enemies of Israel that are not on their immediate borders.

The Saudi monarchy may not totally turn on Israel verbally, but will in deed.  At this time, one of the royals of the Saudi family is telling the US that if they veto the Palestinian State, they will essentially become a very taste to all of Islam and the Arab nations.

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