JERUSALEM UPDATE, January 19, 2013

DON’T MISS THESE THREE GREAT MIRACLES!!! This last Friday I received my weekly call from H.O.B. and need to share with you an unexpected and “over-the-top” trio of miracles.  I hope it is understood that this is not “over-the-top” for GOD, but it sure feels so to us quite often. For years though I have prayed for GOD’s interventions in […]


Preparing For The Soon Coming KING, part 8 There is much in Scripture concerning this entity called “The Bride Of Christ”.  Many people in reading the Scriptures skim through the passages that talk about this; others just skip it totally.  For a lot of men, they have an aversion to being called a “bride” of anyone!  This is understandable—maybe especially […]

Is God’s Judgment Well On Its Way?

Preparing For The Soon Coming KING, Part 4 I, like so many other people in America–in fact in the world, watched  the election results come in for an entire day.  There is little disagreement that these results would have the potential of having either positive or dire consequences around the globe.  Now that the elections are once again over, people’s […]