I was reading in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah a couple days ago and once again read a passage that I have read many times; in fact have highlighted as well as partially underlined.  This scripture makes a good foundation for a few thoughts that have been running through my mind.  The passage is found in Jeremiah 6:16 and […]


This post points out that much of the professing Church is soft, out of touch with Christ’s reality, and has gods of materialism, sports, and a feel-good Christianity. God does not accept it as He requires us to have a genuine relationship with Him that is based on His truth, holiness as He sees it, and a life lived that touches the world with His love. We, for the most part, have forgotten what the fear of God is all about–and until we find it again, are going to fail in fulfilling His commission He gave us. Time has run out and we’d better get with His program–not ours. His definition of “success” is not the one we use. We must see the difference.



The book of Hebrews is avoided by more readers of the New Testament than most books, other than possibly the Book of Revelation.  Many of the concepts reach back into the Old Testament, in order to tie the old sacrificial system together with the new. I was doing some reading in Hebrews however and was struck by a few things […]



Over the last few articles I have written quite a number of things that would likely be in the “gloom and doom” category–at least for some readers.  I will continue with more subjects that deal with what we are facing this year, and the years coming–if the LORD doesn’t call us home first; many things happening within this present year […]



Preparing For The Soon Coming KING, part 8 There is much in Scripture concerning this entity called “The Bride Of Christ”.  Many people in reading the Scriptures skim through the passages that talk about this; others just skip it totally.  For a lot of men, they have an aversion to being called a “bride” of anyone!  This is understandable—maybe especially […]

If You Love Me

Preparing For The Soon Coming KING, part 7 There is a natural aversion to any suggestion that any of us claiming to be Christ followers may be missing the mark.  I find that there is a quick rejection of this implication, because the “theology” of it does not sit well with the relaxed view of the Christian walk that many […]