For some who have read the first two installments of this subject, it may have felt like a bunch of unnecessary railing against things that we may not see the relevance of. Yet, from personal e-mails I receive, the posts are being read, even as long as they are. Thank you. If I had a choice in the matter, I […]
What If?? (Part 2)
Continued from previous post… I was perusing the headlines again this morning as I usually do, and was once again overwhelmed with everything that is in motion in our world. It is on my mind quite a lot that I need to continue with a post that I started a few days ago, titled, “Are These Really The Last Days?” […]
What If??
Many people, if not most, see this blog-site as one of many on the internet today emphasizing the coming end of the world as we know it, and so emphasizing, “end time theology.’ I do make it a point to show how the world is changing and how these many changes are matching up more and more to the list […]
Grace vs. Man’s attempts at acceptance, March 1, 2011
Written By Paul Growing up the ‘son of a preacher man’ certainly had its uniqueness in some respects, but the greatest of these was the expectancy to “be good”. It seems I forever felt the pressure to perform for somebody, even if it wasn’t my parents. The theology that my life was immersed in taught that if I screwed up, […]
Looking Back Over The Last Few Days, Part 2
NOTE: In looking through this news post, I spot-checked the news articles and hopefully they all come up as well as planned. There are more articles than there is commentary once again, because of the large amount of events happening. I heard Glenn Beck make the comment on his TV show on the Fox News Channel yesterday that there is […]
The Perils of 2011??
During the time that this website was down due to server issues, I did a whole lot of research reading, thinking, and of course praying to the Omnipotent One, that is not only All-Powerful, but has all things well under control. That of course is quite contrary to human nature, especially when one has too much on one’s mind. I […]
Truth and Justice, Part 1
Jake and I have been great friends for over 20 years and have shared a lot of ‘journey’ together in that time. He has witnessed me at my worst and still stood by me. Not many are privileged with that kind of bond. We are most generally in agreement and share many of the same dreams. But one of the differences between us […]
Are These Really The Last Days? Part 1 (Introduction)
I have spent quite a bit of time lately thinking over the events of the last few years. I myself remember hearing as far back as I can remember that we are living in the last days and the return of Jesus as KING of Kings and LORD of Lords is imminent. I can remember many times when people had […]
Middle East News Update, Feb. 4, 2011
A couple days ago I put together a special news article having to do with the turmoil in the Mideast. It was supposed to have been designated to the News Page on the site, but was misdirected, not that it matter all that much at this point. I do want to give you some more current information concerning the spread […]
Is Creation Itself Rebelling Against Evil?
I would like to comment on the bizarre deaths of animals, fish, and birds throughout the world, and suggest a couple reasons for much of what we’re seeing happen. I would also like to bring some Biblical passages into the discussion while we’re looking at this.. Since about December 31st, 2010 we have heard and read about multiple strange deaths […]