Famous scientist and mathematician, Isaac Newton (1642-1727), had many notable quotes attributed to him. One referred to this very time in history we find ourselves in today:

“About the time of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition.”  

Our world has always had so-called prophets / foretellers who claim the ability to foretell the future. It is no less the case today. There are fortune-tellers, palm-readers, psychics, and supposed religious prophets who make themselves available to anyone seeking to know something about the future. There is, however, only one true source that has foretold the future with 100% accuracy, and that is the Bible. The Living God, who was the true author behind the human writers of the 66 books in today’s Bible, exists outside of TIME and is therefore the only One who has a perfect, unblemished view of the Past, Present, and Future, all at the same time. 

As Isaac Newton predicted, there are now an increasing number of Christ-followers, some of them well-known leaders — others not so much — who have seen the handwriting on the wall and are not content to keep quiet. The souls of multitudes of people are at stake who need to be made aware of what is about to take place. It is the compassionate thing to do, and is actually the command of God. Note these words in the Book of Ezekiel:

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.   Ezekiel 33:6

In the American game of football, there is a 2-minute warning just prior to the end of regulation play time. It is my contention that we are now within that 2-minute warning. Because of what is unfolding in our world and on our planet, a strong — although not popular — word of warning must be given because we have run out of time. 

Roughly 30% of the Bible is prophetic in nature, with a substantial portion of this 30% referring to events that are to unfold in the very generation in which we are living today. It is unfortunate that the subjects of the End of the Age, the Return of Jesus Christ, the Rapture of the Church, and the world events foretold in the Scriptures leading up to, and including the 7 year Great Tribulation / Apocalypse, statistically are avoided by most pastors and Christian leaders today. Some may offer a few rare off-hand remarks or make casual reference to these subjects, but do not offer in-depth teaching of any kind. Is it because of a lack of knowledge about the subject; fear of offending; it’s too controversial; no personal belief in the subject, or because it seems like too much gloom and doom? The problem is that we are instructed to present the whole counsel of God, which means — the whole Book! It is a colossal error to offer only occasional lip-service to the Rapture (Catching up) of the Church and the Second Coming of Jesus, our Messiah. 

Songwriter Bob Dylan once penned the words, “There’s a Slow Train Coming Around the Bend…” That slow train is now upon us. Unfortunately, many people are too short-sighted or distracted to notice what is now directly in front of us. It doesn’t matter what an individual’s belief system may be, the ‘end of the age’ prophecies foretold in the Bible are now quickly unfolding and escalating, and they will affect people the world over — even in the United States of America.

There have been a number of secular hit song writers from years past who showed an inexplicable — almost prophetic insight into ominous, troubling days ahead from the time of their writing. These events are now unfolding before our eyes. Note the lyrics contained in the major hit song,  Bad Moon Rising, released in 1969 and performed by the American Rock Band, Creedence Clearwater Revival.


I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way. 

I see earthquakes and lightnin’. I see bad times today.

I hear hurricanes blowing. I know the end is coming soon.

I fear rivers overflowing. I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

           Don’t go around tonight, Well, it’s bound to take your life,

There’s a bad moon on the rise. 

Hope you got your things together. Hope you are quite prepared to die.

Looks like we’re in for nasty weather. One eye is taken for an eye.

Don’t go around tonight, Well, it’s bound to take your life,

There’s a bad moon on the rise 

(Written by John Fogerty)


Those are rather ominous lyrics for 1969! One wonders if the lyrics flowed from the song writer’s wild imagination, or did John Fogerty, the writer, have an esoteric foreknowledge of a gloomy future time that was yet to appear on the world scene? If this were the only secular number with such a theme, it could easily be ignored as inconsequential, but there were many more. I will only mention one other. 

Four years earlier than the release of Fogerty’s hit song, another ominous sounding song was released, titled, “Eve of Destruction.” This was in 1965 and it became an instant hit on the music charts. The lyrics, written by Barry McGuire, were inspired by the Vietnam War and the catastrophic death and destruction it brought about. Yet, the lyrics appear to refer to a much greater threat on mankind’s horizon. I will only include a few of the lyrics here:


…Don’t you understand what I’m trying to say

Can’t you feel the fears I’m feeling today?

If the button is pushed, there’s no runnin’ away

There’ll be no one to save with the world in a grave

Take a look around you boy, it’s bound to scare you, boy

And you tell me over and over again, my friend

How you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction?

(written by Barry McGuire)


This theme has not just appeared in popular music. There has been a prevalence of apocalyptic themes intertwined into scores of Hollywood productions and for quite a number of years now. These apocalypse-themed movies have steadily increased in number. What is it that the secular world recognizes that so many others do not — especially those claiming to be followers of Jesus — people who should be more aware than anyone?

In Matthew 24:1-3, as the disciples pointed out the beautiful Temple buildings to Jesus in Jerusalem, He told them that the time was coming when not one stone would be left upon another. All would be destroyed. The disciples responded with three questions which opened the door for Him to present them with a synopsis of future events. The questions were: (1) When will these things be? (2) What will be the sign of Your coming… (3) and of the end of the world? Jesus then gave them a litany of events that would transpire leading up to His return. What the disciples didn’t realize was that there was going to be two millennia between Jesus’ first coming and His return. Because of the time differential between Jesus’ first and second comings, many have allowed themselves to be deceived into believing that the prophecies of His return and events surrounding it, are largely not literal, but symbolic. I emphatically disagree with this assessment. Prophecies were fulfilled literally at Jesus’ first coming and they will be fulfilled literally at His second coming. Famed Christian theologian John Walvoord put it in these words:

“…the picture before us, in word, is God’s revelation of the dramatic and terrible judgment which will climax the present age. This constitutes a warning to those who are living carelessly in unbelief to beware lest the age engulf them. The prophecy of the end of the age is a spur to Christians to snatch souls as brands from the burning and thus prepare them for the coming of the LORD.”

As I write today, our world is facing unprecedented threats. We are facing the threat of WW3 — which will inevitably involve weapons of mass destruction. Not only is there a real threat of WW3, but nations around the globe are facing threats of civil wars, ethnic wars, and maybe the worst of all — religious wars. Just recently, Iran attacked Israel with hundreds of explosive laden drones, cruise and ballistic missiles. Israel has vowed to retaliate using extreme measures but at the time of this writing, has only responded in a limited way. The situation has, however, escalated exponentially in the few short weeks since Iran’s attack. Because of the terrible attack from Hamas out of Gaza on October 7, 2023, Israel has finally decided that Hamas must be totally eradicated from within Israel. Reports are that Israel’s Mossad, the Shin Bet and the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) have assassinated nearly 75% of Hamas’ senior and middle level management. Included in that list are three titans of terror: Mohammad Deif (Hamas), Fuad Shukr (Hezbollah), and the biggest fish of the three, Israel Haniyeh, chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in Haniyeh’s death, but signs indicate the Mossad was directly or indirectly involved. Haniyeh, incidentally, met his demise in one of the most secure locations in Tehran, only about 150 meters from Iran’s president’s palace while in Iran’s capital to meet with Tehran’s leadership. 

As with Hamas, Israel has eliminated more than half of Hezbollah’s commanders in southern Lebanon. More than 90% of Hezbollah’s militants have now fled southern Lebanon and almost all of Hezbollah’s lookout points in southern Lebanon have been eliminated. 

The Middle East is on the precipice of all-out war and nations are at their highest alert level. The Old Testament prophets spoke of a time such as this, and here we are! Islamists have written in their writings that there would be a colossal all-out war between the Jews and Muslims at the end of the age. This is one thing that both Shia and Sunni Muslims agree upon. Their hatred of the Jews is greater than their hatred for each other. 

I will not go into the details, as time is of the essence and the details have been covered in previous writings, but what is important is that a great Middle East war is imminent and it will involve many nations. There will be great destruction and the death toll will likely dwarf what has happened in the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. And, from my studies, I believe this will quickly morph into a total outbreak of World War 3 — which may very well turn out to be synonymous with the Gog-Magog War described in Ezekiel 38-39. There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind when WW3 breaks out. The whole world will know, and it will be devastating. For those that are watching, all the players and pieces are falling into place. We are not looking at something that is years away. Major war is at the door. For those who are not believers and followers of Jesus Christ, you cannot afford to put off bowing your knee and asking Him to become your Savior and Lord. None of us has a guarantee of tomorrow. For those who are followers of Jesus, we are taught to “Watch and Pray.” Watch what is going on, recognize Bible prophecy unfolding, and pray, pray, pray! God will take care of His people but we need to be in tune with His Spirit.

The world is also, sooner or later (I think sooner), facing economic collapse. The Bible says it will happen because the fallen Lucifer’s One World Government must come together. Because much of the Western World has experienced great prosperity, and for such an extended period of time, most people can’t conceive of this actually happening. But, could it be that this collapse is not only already well on its way, but at the door? I am not an economist but trouble has been brewing for some time now. As this article is being written, the world stock markets have taken a significant beating in the last couple days (today’s date is August 5, 2024). I wonder where it is headed? Regardless of what happens in the stock market next week or next month, we are not living in normal times.

Additionally, the United Nations is warning of a coming catastrophic world famine, and what always accompanies war and famine? Pestilence and disease. When have we ever heard of so many food processing plants being destroyed, either by fire or chemical contamination — or maybe by arson? Then, there are the unprecedented millions of diseased animals or birds needing to be destroyed. Now we are being told that the Bird Flu is beginning to spread from birds to cattle…and to humans. Millions of chickens and turkeys have already been euthanized as they were said to be infected with the bird flu. Then we have the untold tens of thousands of cattle that have perished due to wildfires. On top of everything else, in the world of the absurd, we are being told by the elites/globalists that humans need to stop eating meat because it’s contributing to global warming! In a society which prides itself as the most educated and sophisticated in world history, are we supposed to believe that human and animal flatulence is actually contributing to the overheating of our planet? That’s laughable!!

The thing is, the real source of what is heating our planet is not from Planet Earth. All of the planets in our Solar System are heating up — and, all at the same time. Are there too many cattle on Mars or Neptune? Are there gas-guzzling SUV’s on Jupiter or Saturn? The source of global warming / climate change is from the cosmos. There are many theories that have over the years been written off as conspiratorial and, to be fair, many of them really were just that. But, we should not dismiss genuine scientific findings that have been purposely obfuscated from the public eye — partially so that the information does not cause panic, but maybe also to keep the masses oblivious to what is coming upon the earth. 

I won’t go into the scientific specifics at this time, but our entire Solar System is being affected by at least one planetary system (some insiders from the Department of Defense say there are more than one) headed in our direction from outside our Sun’s system. This is not a conspiracy. Our Sun and the entire Solar System is increasingly being affected. Astronomers are also watching enormous incoming debris fields — millions of miles wide, closing in on our planetary orbit. The earth is also being bombarded by ever increasing amounts of exotic cosmic radiation particles which go into the poles of our planet and heat the core. These incoming forces are causing a liquidation of the massive amounts of magma under the crust of the earth. This is causing great pressure resulting in huge cracks and fissures opening up in earth’s crust and is going to cause crustal displacement. Climate change is for real and is being affected by gasses alright, but not of the human or animal variety! 

A comment seems appropriate at this point in light of what is seen approaching from the cosmos. None of us can do anything about these things. These are forces that only God can control. It is wise for us, however, to recognize that what is approaching is part and parcel with all the other signs / harbingers telling us that Jesus’ return is at the door. In light of that fact, we continue to live as if we’ll live a full life but realizing that we could be snatched out in the Rapture / Catching Away at any given moment. 

Now let’s look a little more at what Jesus’ warnings concerning the end of the age:

4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.”  Matthew 24:4-9    

The deception Jesus warned about has been going on ever since the inception of the Church Age on the Day of Pentecost, AD 32. There has been no end to the false messiahs and prophets who have twisted the true Gospel of the Kingdom of God into a distortion of what Jesus originally gave to His apostles to teach to the world. These have often developed into false religious cult organizations — all deviations from the original Good News of the Gospel. The deceptions in our world can be seen throughout human society and culture, and not just in religion. 

Wars, rumors and threats of wars, including conflicts between ethnicities have also gone on throughout world history, but as we see the reports of the escalating racial riots in many nations of the world, could it be that we are seeing something prophetic unfolding? I believe so.  The same can be said about famines, pestilences, diseases, etc. These have also plagued the human race throughout history. But, we are seeing an increase in our generation and the threat of much, much worse. The martyrdom of believers and followers of Jesus Christ have also gone on for the last 2,000 years, starting with Stephen in the seventh chapter of Acts. Statistics show that more Christians have been martyred since the beginning of the 20th century than in all the centuries combined since Stephen’s martyrdom. And it has escalated greatly since the beginning of the 21st century. 

A growing number of Bible Prophecy teachers and students, myself included, have come to the conclusion that the contents within the Scroll held in the hand of God in Revelation 5, could not be revealed until every single Seal was broken. Only the slain Lamb of God was worthy to break the Seals to reveal the contents within. The first five Seals of the sixth chapter of Revelation were opened by Jesus at the beginning of the Church Age, and it is the breaking of the Sixth Seal, along with a series of events connected to its breaking, that will officially close out the Church Age. The Seventh Seal, which details a special ceremony at the heavenly altar in God’s Throne Room and is performed by Jesus Himself, is what will unleash the actual seven years of Apocalypse, beginning with the devastating Trumpet Judgments and ending with the catastrophic Bowl Judgments. 

So, where are we today? The signs we are seeing today are harbingers. They are the birth pangs of the impending apocalypse described in the Book of Revelation. It is at the door! Jesus said:

When you see these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.  Luke 21:28

Just prior to the verse above, Jesus foretold these things:

25 And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  Luke 21:25-27 

Later on in Luke 21 Jesus had this to say:

34 But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the son of Man.  Luke 21:34-36

Someone might ask: What makes one worthy to escape the coming time of judgment — the time Jesus described as worse than any time since the creation of mankind (including the time of the Great Flood)? It only takes a simple humble prayer from the heart, with an acknowledgment of who Jesus really is, asking Him to forgive our sins and submit to His Lordship as Savior and GOD. Jesus, as God, took on human flesh 2,000 years ago in order to pay the price for the sins and ransom mankind from an eternity without God. He, as the Lamb of GOD, was the one and only perfect sacrifice. 

The Apostle Paul put it this way:

9…if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  Romans 10:9-10  

True believers in Jesus and followers of His path believe the promises He left for us. One of these is found in the Book of Revelation.

10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 Behold, I am coming quickly!  Revelation 3:10-11a

Where do you stand? Are you prepared?

Forever in His Service,

Jake Geier


2 thoughts on “Impending Storm August 6, 2024

  1. Jake,
    I couldn’t agree more! What an amazing article. It would make a truly great (and needed) sermon.
    I try and get our family members to wake up and open their eyes to the truth of what is happening right in front of them. The only hope they have is Jesus Christ! I will share this article with them…

    Look up, pray up, we are going up!!!

    1. Hi Kenny, I just caught your comment. Thanks, it is good to hear some folks are aware of the time we are living in. Jesus is coming SOON!! The sooner, the better!! His timing will however be perfect!


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