In this fallen world we experience an abundance of pain, misery, and death, but Jesus taught us to take courage because He overcame the world. Our passage through this world is like a puff of vapor in light of eternity. For those who have become believers in and followers of Jesus, eternity will be beyond anything we can possibly imagine!

I am writing a very short update this evening to let everyone know that Pastor Rashid has gone to be with His beloved Lord. I am not aware of all the details yet but will have them soon. It brings much grief for a great many belonging to the House of Blessing community of believers, especially those that have known him for many years. I know there are also supporters of HOB from around the world that had known him for a long time. Although there is grief — and rightfully so, there is also cause to celebrate. Pastor Rashid lived a very full life and served his Lord faithfully even while suffering great physical hardships and much persecution for his faith in Jesus. Brother Talal told me that he had a chance to talk with the doctor and Pastor Rashid was in very critical condition before his death. His body had just given up and there was no saving him short of a miracle. God chose to take him home instead. His task had been completed. Praise God!

I happen to be on a short trip out of my home state of Oregon but will be back home late tomorrow. Brother Talal gave me more information about P. Rashid’s health challenges at the end that he received from the doctor and I will pass the information on as I can. I will gather some facts together to share with you all.

In conclusion, the question has been asked, what is to become of the House of Blessing now? The work of HOB will continue as it has. Brother Talal will handle the distribution of funds and the brothers in leadership, such as Omar and other HOB veterans, will continue overseeing the work of evangelization. The harvest must come in, and quickly! Major war is brewing which will present special challenges. Please pray for all of HOB. Thank you!

Forever in His Service,



6 thoughts on “MIDEAST UPDATE … 10/18/2023 … “Crossing Over”

  1. Praise GOD , I have been praying for Pastor Rashid’s suffering to end , he now has his gift of ever lasting life and happiness without pain and suffering . A mighty soldier of GOD called home to rest !

    Thank you , Kevin

  2. Our loss is heavens gain. Only eternity will tell the full impact of his life for the kingdom of God. May God comfort those who knew him.

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