After not having heard from House of Blessing for about ten days or so, it was good to receive an update once again. After hearing of the unusual visitor Pastor R**** had had last time, I could not help but wonder how things were.
One of the things that seems to be a constant in the last weeks is the incessant bombing. There are quite a number of nations involved in the war and multiple air forces taking part in the bombing and missile strikes. Besides all of the bombing, there are still about 30 different terrorist groups roaming through the Middle East, killing each other, but all looking for Jews and Christians to maim and murder.
As we have seen already, there is no mercy for the old, young mothers, or even children. They are all viciously butchered. There seems to be no limit to the depravity fallen man will sink to when being driven by a demonic hatred and bloodlust. What is happening to so many of our brethren in the Middle East is beyond our imagination. We must pray for them–not just a couple minutes here and there, but with real personal earnestness.
I have read Foxe’s “Book of Martyrs” several times, and I am presently reading Dave Hunt’s book, “A Woman Rides the Beast”, which is likely the most comprehensive account of the atrocities committed by the Papacy and hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church through the centuries. There is an evil that takes over which will invent the most horrid treatment of other human beings–almost always in the name of religion–and it comes straight from the pit of hell.
As I have mentioned before, statistics show that Christians are being martyred in much greater numbers than in all the former centuries combined since the time of Christ. The blood of the martyrs have truly saturated the earth and is continuing to do so today.
Pastor R**** has said that he is doing much better physically, although he knows he will continue ministering from his wheelchair. It is good to hear that God is sustaining him and giving him the strength he needs. He confirmed to me that the big meeting tent is in full-time use, as there is a great need to raise up more trained missionaries. The two younger men that were going to assist him in this task are presently taking a little more time to watch and learn before they can effectively take on this much needed and critical role. So, R**** is back to teaching and preaching very long hours every day. But, God is sufficient!
There has been heavy loss of life again amongst the House Of Blessing missionaries. Just in Syria there were twenty missionaries lost and in Iraq another 35. I don’t have numbers for other areas today. Estimates are now that HOB has lost well over 500 of their missionaries since the beginning of this project 30 months ago! Yet, with all these losses, the numbers of souls reached is now in the many hundreds of thousands. The missionaries themselves have reached many tens of thousands, but the former Muslim people turn around and reach their own families and friends, greatly multiplying the numbers becoming obedient to the Word of God—just like we read it having happened in the early church. Like I have said so many times, the Book of Acts of the Apostles is still being written today!
Tremendous results have come in within the last week. From the reports from the different ministry locations, there were about 500 more reached in Iran. In Iraq, another 2,800 souls. In Kurdistan, the results are multiplying and 1,500 made commitments to Messiah Jesus. In Syria, there were another 1,800. This makes about 6,600, without having received reports out of Jordan.
One of the amazing things continuing days on end has to do with the work of the group of widows led by Mofidah. These brave women go from place to place, walking among the dead and dying, looking for those who want prayer–especially to prepare themselves for eternity by having their sins forgiven by the only One who can, Jesus Christ. No one turns them down and they continue to reach hundreds who are within an hour or two of death! This truly is a great harvest we are witnessing today! You and I will meet all of these people when we enter eternity!
In closing this short update, I want to remind us all that these folks are going through some of the most trying times ever in man’s history. If we have any love for our LORD and Master, Jesus Christ, then these folks are our brothers and sisters. We cannot ignore them in their plight. Even though the West is losing its freedoms more each day, it is still relatively free and it is hard for us to comprehend living as our brethren in the persecuted Church do. Prayer is their highest need and greatest help. Please continue to personally support them in fervent prayer!
God Bless,
Jake Geier