by Jake An old woman of 90 from Valdres in Norway had a vision she claimed was from God in 1968. The evangelist Emanuel Minos had meetings (or services) where she lived. He had the opportunity to meet her, and she told him what she had seen. He then wrote it down, but thought it to be so unbelievable at […]
I wanted to take just a minute and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. For me, and hopefully you as well, it is a time to remember what the real reason for the season is. It has to do with Almighty God doing the most incredible thing imaginable. He reached down to a very troubled planet and provided the only […]
The Great Escape…Or Not, Part 4
I was looking over some scriptures and found myself amazed once again at how much is said in the Bible about what is happening today, right before our eyes. One thing I need to say once again as we look into what the Bible has to say about these days is that we must never forget that a person needs […]
The Great Escape…Or Not, Part 3
By Jake One of the things that is hard for people to really accept the true reality of, is that history, whether it is ancient and reaching back in time many thousands of years, or more recent past history that spans the time of Christ to the last few hundred years, or even the future which will inevitably become history […]
Growing Together Through Our Differences
by Paul There was a news clip this morning reflecting the growing trend of anti-Christian rulings by our courts, schools, and governmental officials. It had to do with a decision by the NYC school district to not allow any churches to use their facilities. Interesting term here is ‘public’ schools. This is only one of numerous decisions over the past […]
The Great Escape…Or Not, Part 2
James 1:8 says: “If anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all…”
The questain of the Rapture!
The Great Escape…or Not?…Part 1
One of the great controversies of the Christian faith—especially at the time of human history we find ourselves in, has to do with the “rapture” or snatching away. I find that there are three basic views on this subject, as well as a few variations. Without being exhaustive in the explanations, I will looks into some of the differences. Also, […]
Preached To Death!
“On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight. There were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting. Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep […]
Crunchy Grasshoppers, Anyone??
I’ve thought a lot lately of how differently GOD’s words are delivered to the masses. The delivery varies about as much as a person’s personality. Education also makes a difference in how it is spoken. There are many other things that can be thrown into the mix, like the atmosphere that a person was brought up in, etc. I don’t […]
The “Rebellion”
By Paul Why Are So Many Saints Dumping Church One particular phenomenon that is surely an aggravation to numerous church leaders is the growing trend of Christian believers dumping church, or at least seeking something uniquely different from what has been the norm. It reminds me of a message I heard 20+ years ago relating church to the railroad industry. […]