Part 3 Continued from Part 2… As I look out the windows of my home this morning, I see sunshine, blue skies and hardly a cloud in sight. The Cascade Mountain Range is a brilliant sparkling white. From my little house, by using all of the windows, I can see 9 or 10 mountains of this gorgeous range—5 of them […]
So How Then Should We Then Live? Part 2 (Church of Sardis & Moneychangers, & Us)
When I look at all of the posts that I have lined up, some in process, others not started yet, I find that I can’t do any of the things that I’d really like to do before I write some other things that God has brought to my mind recently. What I am hearing from the Almighty is that if […]
So How Should We Then Live? Part 1
I have found myself doing a lot of thinking in the last few days as I watch the news, as I read comments made by some of my favorite websites, and see how the news sounds like it comes right out of things written thousands of years ago in the Bible. In between trying to take care of some of […]
Truth & Justice Series, continued…
TRUTH & JUSTICE SERIES A Biblically Biased Look The other night a participant in a reality show spent quite a bit of time relating the fact that he couldn’t perform well because of some injustice done to not even him, but some friends of his, several year ago. I marvelled at the connection being made as to why he was […]
In the last couple weeks the Lord has woke me up several times from a deep sleep. Some people see long detailed visions or dreams, but that rarely happens with me. When God leaves a thought in my mind though, it is clear what He has said and I know it is something that He means for me to follow […]
What Is It That God Wants Out Of Me Anyway? Part 3
Continued from Part 2 For some that have read the first two posts, maybe you are bothered because some of it seems so condemning—especially since much of it is speaking to Christian people. Like I’ve said many times already, there is no intention to minimize the grace that God has gifted us with. My purpose is to help us see […]
What is it that God Wants out of Me Anyway? Part 2
Continued from Part 1… I have watched several more days of news and if I ever get time to put a bunch of them together, some may be amazed at the convergence of things that the world is beginning to experience. As I went to bed last night, I was reading a book like I usually do. I usually only […]
What Is It That God Wants Out Of Me, Anyway? Part 1
When one reads a cross-section of articles or posts written by Christian people across the land, you can get pretty much every flavor of thought and of course doctrinal position on a myriad of issues. When it comes to the subject of the troublesome time that we have moved into, it is the same. It is amazing how polarized people […]
What If?? (Part 3)
For some who have read the first two installments of this subject, it may have felt like a bunch of unnecessary railing against things that we may not see the relevance of. Yet, from personal e-mails I receive, the posts are being read, even as long as they are. Thank you. If I had a choice in the matter, I […]
What If?? (Part 2)
Continued from previous post… I was perusing the headlines again this morning as I usually do, and was once again overwhelmed with everything that is in motion in our world. It is on my mind quite a lot that I need to continue with a post that I started a few days ago, titled, “Are These Really The Last Days?” […]