Greetings Everyone: A well known verse of Scripture that is brought to the forefront of our thoughts at this time of year is found in Micah 5:2. It reads: But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth from Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…12/5/2023…”Planting Seed”
Greetings Everyone: In my latest conversation with brother Talal, we discussed the week or relative quiet experienced due to the temporary pause in the war between the Hamas terrorists and the Israeli Defense Force. During this time, Hamas required an exchange of three Palestinians for every hostage released. The hostages released were primarily women, elderly, and children. The prisoners also […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….10/31/2023….”Only One Life To Live”
I have a very short Mideast update today but before I share it, I would like to share a few short thoughts that I may or may have not shared at some time in the past. I have several devotionals that I read most every day. One of them is Jonathan Cahn’s “Book of Mysteries.” A devotional I’ve read several […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/17/2023…”Wars, Rumors and Threats of Wars”
The Mideast Updates are generally focused on what is happening in regard to the missionary work of the House of the Blessing. As most of the world knows, however, Israel was viciously attacked by the Hamas terrorist group and because of the extreme brutality and extent of the attack, Israel is left with no option but to do everything in […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/14/2023…”Be Still and Know I’m GOD!”
Greetings Everyone: I wanted to send out a very short special update because so many have been concerned about the safety of Brother Talal and others in light of the things that are happening in Israel. I spoke to him a couple days ago and he confirmed many of the things that we’ve heard in the news concerning the devastating […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/9/2023…”A Little Boy Walks!”
I know that everyone is wondering how Pastor R is doing. I was able to get an update from Brother Talal but he said his condition has not changed. He is still in a coma and is on total life-support. My prayer, as well as yours I’m sure, is that God would either raise him up to where he can […]
MIDDLE EAST UPDATE….10/2/2023….The Tattering of our ‘Tents’
Anyone who has read the latest update is aware that Pastor R is in a serious health condition, with latest information being that he is in a coma. The doctors have said that due to the length of time that he did not receive the oxygen needed, it is a high probability that he has sustained serious brain damage. I […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…8/9/2023…”Everlasting to Everlasting”
A question that comes to mind at times, and badgers us as believers, is will God’s love for me truly endure? Will it continue even through my failings and sinful mistakes? Can my own weaknesses as a Christ-follower ever wear down His love for me? Psalm 103:17 tells us that The love (mercy) of the LORD is from everlasting to […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….7/16/2023….”Your Work Shall Be Rewarded”
Prior to sharing the latest House of Blessing update, I have a question for you. Does it ever feel to you that the Lord is moving slower than you would like? Do you ever find yourself nearly panicking because it seems He is going to show up late? Note God’s interesting response to a threat from an enemy nation to […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…7/6/2023…”Knocked Down But Not Destroyed”
Just before sharing the latest call from Pastor R, I would like to refer to a passage of Scripture found in the fourth chapter of 2 Corinthians the Living Bible. 7 But this precious treasure — this light and power that now shine within us — is held in a perishable container, that is, in our weak bodies. Everyone can […]