MIDEAST UPDATE….3/15/2025….”And God’s Grace Was Upon Them”

One of the promises God has made to His people is that He would never leave them nor forsake them. He also promised that all things would work together for good to those who are called to His purposes. This means that even the evil that the devil intends, is taken by our Lord and turned into His good purposes. […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…3/5/2025…”Filled With Wonder and Amazement”

The last month has proven to have a flurry of activity for the House of Blessing as they have prepared to minister during Ramadan. This might explain the increased number of Updates lately. Hopefully, this provides you, the reader and supporter of the House of Blessing, at least a glimpse into the things God is doing through the HOB missionaries.  […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…2/26/2025….”And He Looked Up Toward Heaven…” Part Three

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus made this comment: “On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” That statement was made 2,000 years ago and it has proven true throughout the centuries. Not only that, but it will continue to be true until the very end of the age. The Church started […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…2/18/2025…”And He Looked Up Toward Heaven” Part Two

Looking at the story of the Church’s first martyr, we see a man who knows he is about to die, but rather than cower in fear, he was bold in his faith. As he was about to be stoned to death, he was given a glimpse into heaven. Acts 7:55-56 says:  55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….1/14/2025….Harvest Time

As most readers are aware by now, there has been considerable celebration in Syria at the collapse of the Assad dictatorship. The rule of the Assad family, especially against any opposition, was extremely brutal and deadly. As time has passed since Assad’s ouster, more and more evidence has been uncovered describing the extent of Assad’s atrocities. Many mass graves have […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…1/10/2024…”This World Is Not Our Home”

As we begin an already turbulent year of 2024, it is important for all of us, as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, to keep our bearing and maintain a proper perspective on what our lives here on this earth are all about and where we are going. We must remember we are just passing through. The Apostle Peter put […]



Greetings Everyone: A well known verse of Scripture that is brought to the forefront of our thoughts at this time of year is found in Micah 5:2. It reads: But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth from Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….10/31/2023….”Only One Life To Live”

I have a very short Mideast update today but before I share it, I would like to share a few short thoughts that I may or may have not shared at some time in the past. I have several devotionals that I read most every day. One of them is Jonathan Cahn’s “Book of Mysteries.” A devotional I’ve read several […]


MIDEAST UPDATE … 10/18/2023 … “Crossing Over”

In this fallen world we experience an abundance of pain, misery, and death, but Jesus taught us to take courage because He overcame the world. Our passage through this world is like a puff of vapor in light of eternity. For those who have become believers in and followers of Jesus, eternity will be beyond anything we can possibly imagine! […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…10/17/2023…”Wars, Rumors and Threats of Wars”

The Mideast Updates are generally focused on what is happening in regard to the missionary work of the House of the Blessing. As most of the world knows, however, Israel was viciously attacked by the Hamas terrorist group and because of the extreme brutality and extent of the attack, Israel is left with no option but to do everything in […]
