As we continue watching the unfolding of news in the Middle East, we see tensions continue to rise. The reality of the life and death struggle faced by this generation is real across the entire world, few places more desperate than for the millions of displaced peoples of the Mideast. Some regions are of course experiencing harsher circumstances than others. […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 3/11/2019 Is War Near?
This week is the eighth anniversary of the beginning of Syria’s civil war. One would think that the regime in Syria would be more than anxious for the end of the nightmare that the people of Syria have been going through. Yet, even after millions of Syrian civilians have left the nation and millions more have been displaced within the […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 12/26/2018 God is Good!
As I begin this update close to the end of 2018, I felt the Holy Spirit urge me to share a few thoughts about how we ought to view the days we are living in and how we should approach them. We live in unique times and it is important that we see what God has to say to us […]
There are those in our world who think that history, as it unfolds, is random. Others believe that history is cyclical and will eventually always come back to its starting point. Then there are others who aren’t convinced it has to be random or cyclical because history’s outcome can be determined by man. The Bible teaches us that mankind, regardless […]
In the latter portion of Part Four we went into detail, mainly provided by the prophet Isaiah, about what the Bible foretells of the destruction of Damascus just prior to the Day of the Lord. The prophet Jeremiah also prophesied the doom of Damascus and the details God provided Jeremiah help to broaden the picture. As we see both prophecies […]
In the conclusion of part three of this series of articles, I mentioned that Israel knows that they are facing war on all sides. The news in the last few days serves to strongly confirm that fact. As Friday prayers were finished in mosques in Gaza last week, once again the Palestinians were urged to challenge the Israeli military by […]
As much of the Western world has been inundated with ridiculous circus acts of western politics, many have questioned if the conflict in the Mideast has cooled. Not so. Storm clouds have continued to gather, and although there have been movements of troops and military weaponry shifted from one location to another, with nothing major having broken out yet, the […]
As mentioned in the concluding remarks of Part One, we have In the Old Testament 83rd Psalm a unique prayer petition recorded which many, myself included, is more than just a prayer, but a prophecy of a future conflict that Israel is going to face. It is one of several prophecies that predict a specific conflict with Israel’s enemies, distinct […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 7/26/2018 God’s Heart: The Harvest
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are well aware of the Great Commission found in Mark 16:15-20. This is a command for believers in Jesus Christ to reach the world with the Gospel of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. We find that Luke 10:2 calls Him the “Lord of the Harvest. ” The Master is given many names in […]
In today’s update I would like to reprint an older episode as I sometimes do so that we don’t forget the great things God has done in the past in response to the prayers of God’s people. This story involves a number of House of Blessing missionaries, one of them being a man named Omar. This Omar however is not […]