— Part Three of Six — C. JESUS: THE SON OF GOD (John 1:15-28, 49) 15 John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me. 16 And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. 17 […]
MESSIAH JESUS — GOD In The Flesh — Part Two
— Part Two of Six — B. JESUS: THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD John 1:4-13 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 This man came […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…12/5/2023…”Planting Seed”
Greetings Everyone: In my latest conversation with brother Talal, we discussed the week or relative quiet experienced due to the temporary pause in the war between the Hamas terrorists and the Israeli Defense Force. During this time, Hamas required an exchange of three Palestinians for every hostage released. The hostages released were primarily women, elderly, and children. The prisoners also […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….10/31/2023….”Only One Life To Live”
I have a very short Mideast update today but before I share it, I would like to share a few short thoughts that I may or may have not shared at some time in the past. I have several devotionals that I read most every day. One of them is Jonathan Cahn’s “Book of Mysteries.” A devotional I’ve read several […]
Israel and the Coming Great Middle East War…Part Three…”HOW CLOSE ARE WE?”
Prophetic events are currently unfolding at such an escalating pace, I have decided to upload three articles in quick succession written about a year ago. A handful of time sensitive updates have been made, but very few. The brutal attack by the terrorist organization Hamas, primarily slaughtering innocent civilians, including women, children, and elderly folks, has shocked the entire civilized […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/9/2023…”A Little Boy Walks!”
I know that everyone is wondering how Pastor R is doing. I was able to get an update from Brother Talal but he said his condition has not changed. He is still in a coma and is on total life-support. My prayer, as well as yours I’m sure, is that God would either raise him up to where he can […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…9/17/2023…”Today is the Day of Salvation”
I received a phone call from Pastor R just before the official beginning of the Jewish Rosh Hashanah observance. We had a brief conversation about the latest events, particularly in northern Syria since the Eid al Adha observance. He then mentioned that the three Jewish fall feast days were coming in quick succession. Rosh Hashanah on September 16-17 (just now […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…9/10/2023…”Joy Unspeakable”
As I was enjoying my morning quiet time with the Lord a few days ago, I thought back to the many testimonies shared with me, many of which I’ve been privileged to put to paper. These testimonies are from Muslim sheikhs, imams, and an unknown number of refugees who have come to experience the glorious freedom and release from the […]
“The Worthy One” — “The Lamb of GOD” Part Two
It has been brought to my attention that a two part series by the above title covering Revelation 4 & 5 is missing in the archives. By request, I am making them available again. Both parts, one and two, will be rerun back to back * * * * In preparation for a detailed study of Revelation 6-7 which includes […]
The “Rapture”….Some Critical Thoughts –Part One–
Because there are quite a number of questions on the subject of the “Rapture”, and because some find it controversial — or at least the timing of the event, I have updated and am re-running both parts of the series, back to back. I pray the reader is blessed and encouraged! We need it today! **************************** The “Rapture” has become one […]