“The Fire of GOD” It seems, the more difficult or impossible the circumstances, the more God shows Himself strong on behalf of those that love Him and commit to His ways. The Bible speaks of great exploits that will be done by the followers of Christ. Some of the accounts of miracles I am receiving are stories I could not […]



“Greater Love Hath No Man” There are stories and then there are stories.  Some are forgotten not long after they are read. Then there are the stories you find yourself going over again and again in your mind. So many times in the last two years I have tried to imagine myself in some of the stories that have been […]



THE WIDOW SISTERHOOD Earlier this year, R**** shared with us the story of a Syrian woman who witnessed the murder of her husband at the hands of her son, because he refused to deny his new-found faith in Jesus Christ. What happened when her son demanded that she deny Christ in front of close to 400 witnesses has been told […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, July 28, 2014

It is hard for me to believe that we are already well over half way through 2014. Time is moving faster all the time, it seems. I look back into the archives and reread some of the Mideast Updates from past months and it’s amazing to see what God has done in such a short period of time. A project […]


JERUSALEM UPDATE, January 31, 2014

The work in the Middle East by House Of Blessing has gone beyond anything anyone could have imagined. What God has done is stupendous. More souls have been reached in 22 months than have reportedly been slaughtered in Syria’s 3 year civil war! These are souls that will spend an eternity in the presence of their Creator! What a story it is!
