Chronology of the Seals in Revelation 6……Part Two

In Part One, I proposed a question: “To which time, era or age, do the Seal Judgments belong? Do they belong to the first half of the seven years of the Day of the Lord only? Or, could they belong to the period of time we know as the Church Age? There are really only these two options. Answering this […]



As discussed in part one, the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden left his relationship with his Creator broken. Not only that, but death was brought into the picture, not just for the human race but also for creation itself. Everything that had been perfectly created and designed to continue in perfection throughout the eons of time, now […]


“SUDDENLY!” Part 10, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)

I have spent more time on the “Suddenly” series of articles than originally intended, but due to many questions in the previous weeks, I feel more in depth information is warranted. Our world is changing much more quickly than most are aware of. I heard someone say the other day that it would be much easier to keep one’s head […]
