MIDEAST UPDATE…7/20/2019…The Book of Acts Continues…

This past week as I heard from Pastor R in Syria, he told me once again of some of the enormous challenges the House of Blessing missionaries are experiencing–not last year; not last month, or even last week. It’s a reality for them right now…TODAY!  As I was readying myself to write this week’s update, I could not help but […]


MIDEAST UPDATE–Story from House of Blessing’s Archives: September 12, 2015

Because stories have been written for the House of Blessing for almost 7 1/2 years now, it is easy to forget stories from the past. Also, this website has gained new readers over the years and I have received requests to reprint some of the accounts from past years. As you read through this testimony of God’s grace and goodness, […]



In the New Testament book of James, we find these words: 13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit,” 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor […]

MIDEAST UPDATE…6/24/2019….And the Harvest Continues…

As we continue watching the unfolding of news in the Middle East, we see tensions continue to rise. The reality of the life and death struggle faced by this generation is real across the entire world, few places more desperate than for the millions of displaced peoples of the Mideast. Some regions are of course experiencing harsher circumstances than others.  […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…6/15/2019…God Never Fails

Over the past 7+ years I have had the privilege of writing these updates for the House of Blessing, God’s answers to prayer and His miracles have come in many forms, but year after year God has proven His presence with His faithful missionaries. Many stunning miracles have been witnessed; even the dead being raised before the eyes of onlookers. […]



A thread which begins in Genesis and carries through the entire Bible has to do with God’s intervention on behalf of the fallen human race through the blood sacrifice of the Messiah. The story line which begins in the very first chapter of the Holy Scriptures is continued to its completion in the very last chapter of the last book […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 6/1/2019….God is in Always in Control

As the conclusion of the Muslim month of Ramadan is just days away, we praise the Lord of the Harvest. Many souls have been reached once again that have become part of the Kingdom of God. At the same time, we see the temperature rising in the relationships between the nations of the Mideast. The escalation of tensions are clear […]



Polytheism will continue to be brought up by those who are uncomfortable with this subject, and the question is asked: Is the God we worship one God of many gods? Absolutely not—not in a polytheistic sense. One of the basic non-negotiable doctrines of true Christianity is that there is only one all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present GOD. He is the Almighty, and […]
