Very few people who sing the old hymns written through the years know the life stories behind the words they are singing. Quite often, what made these hymns so powerful and moving, was the pain and suffering the composer had to go through. It is these bitter experiences that are often the source of the greatest inspiration. Although God is […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…The March of the Martyrs…5/7/2018

Throughout the centuries since Jesus commissioned the Church and empowered it on the Day of Pentecost in the first century, the fallen Lucifer has done everything possible to destroy it. Jesus warned that, just as He was hated, His true followers would be hated as well. The Apostle Paul described his own circumstances to the Corinthian Church with these words: […]


URGENT PRAYER NEED: House of Blessing

This is a very short request for prayer. The House of Blessing leadership and its missionaries have an urgent need for prayer. A number of HOB missionary leaders were caught in a surprise attack by a number of Muslim extremists who shot and killed 27 of them, including brothers Akram and Mustafa. An additional 15 were injured in the attack […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 4/30/2018 The Beating of War Drums

For those who were watching the news the end of last week, you may have seen some of the reports of the unseasonable catastrophic rains that Israel experienced. Tragically, lives were lost in Israel due to the flash flooding. The same weather also affected Syria. When I spoke with Pastor R, he told me that at least 450 tents were […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 4/15/2018 Is Time Running Out?

We truly are living in the very last moments of this dispensation. We won’t pass this way again! There are many Scriptures that speak to us about the importance of time, especially our use of it. Some people may be a little offended by them–even though they are words from God himself. Although God speaks to us in His love, […]



Personally, having always been an avid reader and, having studied Bible prophecy as many years as I have, I am still amazed at the increased speed at which our world is hurtling toward the end of the age. Even though the non-Christian world doesn’t recognize the “End of the Age” in the same way we Christians do, it does recognize […]



Today, I am taking another opportunity to reprint an update from about three years ago. The stories of the past, the past victories, as well as past trials and persecutions need to be remembered. Just as we read in the Book of Acts in the Bible, many in our present age have lost their lives for their faith in Jesus […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 3/19/2018 Our GOD is Not DEAD!!

This morning, as I was thinking through how to put today’s Mideast Update together, my wife came into my office with a Bible fact that seems perfect for today’s House of Blessing update. A phrase that is used 54 times in the Book of Ezekiel is “…that they will know that I am the LORD.” This pertains to the New […]


MIDDLE EAST UPDATE: Miracles Still Happen!

Over the last six years since I have been writing stories for the House of Blessing that come directly from the front lines of the mission field, there have been story after story of the amazing things God has done on behalf of His people. These stories are easily forgotten over time and many readers who have joined the blog […]


MIDEAST UPDATE Pastor R…3/9/2018

Today’s Mideast Update will concern itself mainly with Pastor R. I am amazed at all of the things that have happened in the past six years since, by way of a divine appointment, our paths crossed. None of us could have imagined what would unfold. In early April 2013 Pastor R and two other men, Rami and Jameal, were brutally […]
