I have taken one of the e-mail letters that I have received and copied it onto the site without correcting the English or doing any editing at all, for that matter. Sometimes a dose of reality is good for us. I didn’t change anything, but rather left it just as I received it two weeks or so ago. I am […]
From Jerusalem to Judea, to Samaria, and the Rest of the World!!
Acts 1:8 says this, “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This is just a quick note to let readers know that I should be receiving an update on the missionary trip to Jordan that […]
Jerusalem Ministry Update
In the last post entered onto this blog, I inserted an e-mail sent to me by the Missionary Pastor we came in contact with during our trip to Jerusalem. I have spoken to him several times since coming home and wanted to take this opportunity to give an update to what his plans are in the next few days. As […]
Jerusalem Ministry Update
In the last post entered onto this blog, I inserted an e-mail sent to me by the Missionary Pastor we came in contact with during our trip to Jerusalem. I have spoken to him several times since coming home and wanted to take this opportunity to give an update to what his plans are in the next few days. As […]
Great Need To Support Jewish Christians At This Critical Time
Following is an e-mail I received that I would like to share with those that take the time to read my blog. As you know, Anne and I just went to Jerusalem and purposely did not sign up for a professional tour. We asked the Lord to bring about some sovereign connections so that we can take part in what […]
Jerusalem, O Jerusalem
by Jake After stalling for a few days after getting back from Jerusalem, I decided I’d better get something on line about the trip. Unfortunately I found that something went wrong and most everything that I had already typed had gone away. I apparently did something that erased most everything. So…let’s start again. Ugh. Because this trip was quite short […]
The Symbols of God and Man
By: Tyler Jennings I think it is important to recognize that as human-beings, we universally use symbols as the most important mechanism of understanding. When many of us think about symbols, we think about it in modern-day terms such as logos i.e. the ‘symbol’ for Taco Bell, or the ‘symbol’ for the Olympic Games. It’s important to keep in mind […]
Why Is It Important To Recognize The Fulfillment Of Biblical Prophecies?
By Jake: I thought that this may be a good time to put some thoughts down on this subject that may, if nothing else give us some pause. For many, the subject of prophecy is a subject that consumes them. For others, it is something that is avoided, nearly at all costs for some. There is a third option which […]
Introductory Comments: (by Jake) I have no idea where this article came from, other than it got forwarded to my e-mail address quite some time ago. I just happened to read through it again today and decided to share it on this blog. I suspect that there are a lot of people needing what it has to say. I’ll close […]
A Bit Of Reality
by Jake It has been a while since I posted anything on line, and it seems difficult to get thoughts to flow as I would like. My father died a few days ago and it has caused me to do some heavy thinking. This happens to most of us when we face the death of an acquaintance, friend, or especially […]