MIDEAST UPDATE…8/19/2023…”God Sees Us Through All Things”

In Matthew 7:8 we find these words: “Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”  The words used in this passage, “ask”, “seek”, and “knock”, imply continuous, persistent action. Jesus didn’t tell His disciples that they should only ask once, seek briefly, or give a single knock when they pray […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….8/1/2023….”Strengthen the Hands Which Hang Down”

With so much chaos and misery in our world today, a bit of encouragement and a brief reminder of what our lives as believers and followers of Jesus Christ are all about, might be welcome.  I have turned back to Hebrews 12 several times in the past few days and have found it quite refreshing. Sometimes it is good to […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…4/18/2023…”Let Your Light So Shine…”

As the dark shadow of the approaching Great Tribulation comes ever closer, the more we as followers of Jesus must realize that what little time we have left on this earth, is crucial. If we are still here and breathing, it means that God still has a specific purpose for each of us.  There are unfortunately those who, out of […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….3/23/2023….”Is Anything Too Hard For Our GOD?”

Most of us have read Bible accounts of the spectacular miracles performed by Old Testament prophets, and of course in the New Testament, at the hands of Jesus and the Apostles. For most folks, it is not so hard to believe that the Biblical miracles really happened, but it’s a bit more of a challenge for some of us to […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….3/2/2023….”Feed My Sheep”

John 16:33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Until our KING of Kings takes the throne of our planet, people will continue to experience tragedies of many kinds. We live in a fallen world and […]


Chronology of the Seals in Revelation 6……Part Six

In this current series of writings, two previous articles described the events found in Revelation 4 and 5. These are crucial in understanding what happens directly after the Seals are opened in chapter 6. So far we have discussed the first four Seals in some detail with regard to the significance of each seal and the timing of the beginning […]



This is just a short request for prayer concerning the massive 7.8 earthquake in southern Turkey 2/5/2023. I have no information yet from Pastor R or the House of Blessing missionaries, but from the earliest news I’ve seen, the quake has affected the entire Middle East. The epicenter was in Gaziantep, Turkey, which is not all that far above the […]


Chronology of the Seals in Revelation 6……Part Two

In Part One, I proposed a question: “To which time, era or age, do the Seal Judgments belong? Do they belong to the first half of the seven years of the Day of the Lord only? Or, could they belong to the period of time we know as the Church Age? There are really only these two options. Answering this […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….1/1/2023….”Onward and Upward!”

By now, most of us have had time to reflect on the year 2022 we just left behind. One of the thoughts that has repeatedly come to my own mind is the phrase “in the fullness of time.” We find this phrase in the Scriptures several times. In the New Kings James version of the Bible, we find those words […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….10/20/2022….Jesus Christ, the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever!

In the last couple Mideast Updates, I have shared some of the information of what the House of Blessing is dealing with right now, especially in northern Syria. The infectious disease, Cholera, has spread quickly, where, as you know, millions have been displaced by the decade-long civil war are trying to survive, mostly in tent cities. Many of these camps […]
