MIDEAST UPDATE…5/10/2023…”God Sometimes Works In Mysterious Ways!”

How does one face life as we find it in 2023, knowing that tomorrow’s news will likely be more troublesome than even today? There are those who live in constant fear. There are also those who avoid knowing what is going on in our world. Others focus on staying entertained and refuse to deal with the more unpleasant realities of […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….3/23/2023….”Is Anything Too Hard For Our GOD?”

Most of us have read Bible accounts of the spectacular miracles performed by Old Testament prophets, and of course in the New Testament, at the hands of Jesus and the Apostles. For most folks, it is not so hard to believe that the Biblical miracles really happened, but it’s a bit more of a challenge for some of us to […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…3/17/2021…Our GOD Never Leaves Us, Nor Forsakes Us

As I was recalling my last conversation with Pastor R, I thought back on the difficulties that our friend has gone through over the years. Snippets came to mind of stories about the first Omar, back in 2012 and 2013, when he took the first handful of Bibles over the border from Jordan into Iraq and subsequently started a House […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…10/27/2022…”Through the Wilderness to the Promised Land”

  Just before the actual Update for this week, I’d like to share a few thoughts in introduction: All one needs to do to realize our world is facing a convergence of multiple crises like never before in man’s history is to open our eyes. Many in the West would rather close their eyes to what’s happening all over the […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…9/29/2022…” And They Loved Not Their Lives Unto The Death”

I have been on a trip for a few days and although it will be a rather short update, it will be my attempt to catch up, at least a little bit. In light of the world news in the last couple days, with the war rhetoric becoming increasingly ominous, many are wondering how long until something really serious begins […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…9/1/2022…”When You See These Things Beginning, LOOK UP!”

Notice these words Jesus said to His disciples, including all of us who are His followers today: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Matthew 16:33 There is a growing number of people everywhere realizing that […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…6/25/2021…”It Is Not God’s Will For Any To Perish.”

In my last call from Pastor R, he shared a couple of miraculous stories with me to pass on. But, before I do, I would like to refer to a Scripture found in 2 Peter: The Lord is not slack concerning His promises, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…8/25/2020…”To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain”

I received a call from Pastor R and, as soon as I heard his voice, I knew something had happened. He was barely able to hold back the tears as he told me that Pastor Farid had been killed just the day before. The details of what all happened are still being gathered but before I pass on what Pastor […]


MIDEAST UPDATE (reprinted from archives) April 30, 2014

The Mideast Update below is from April 30, 2014 and tells part of the story of extremely serious injuries (actually two attacks within 2-3 weeks) received by attackers who had intended to assassinate Pastor R. They failed, but only because it was not yet his time to go home. It is God who determines this. It is important to remember […]


MIDEAST UPDATE Reprint from November 18, 2015

It is good for us to look back at some of the history of what God has done in past years. As I post this article from the archives, we are nearing the last week of September, 2019, and I’ve been writing these updates for 7 1/2 years. This Update being reprinted today is from the archives and is dated […]
