In the previous update, I made mention of the fact that one of Islam’s most important feast days is coming up early in the month of July. The yearly Hajj begins July 7 and continues through July 12. The Eid al-Adha feast is celebrated in the last three days, ending on the 12th. I explained the significance of the feast […]
Seldom do I write three back-to-back updates this close together but the situation that has developed in the past week in regard to the attack on the HOB School of Ministry has brought an urgent need to bear. Without belaboring the point, as readers already know, 3 teachers and 25 male Bible students were slaughtered a few days ago as […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…5/16/2022…Every Stain of Sin Cleansed by the BLOOD
One of the most important principles of the Christian life is “forgiveness”. When the disciple Peter asked Jesus how many times he would be required to forgive someone—thinking seven times was more than generous—Jesus told him he might need to forgive a person seventy times seven! That is almost unimaginable for most of us, but God’s view on most things […]
MIDDLE EAST UPDATE…7/2/2021…Hezbollah Militants to Christian Soldiers
For the nine+ years I’ve written the Mideast Updates for the House of Blessing, more often than not have I had to include both painful things to share as well as the good. Today, I will start with what is painful and then finish the update with the good. I will first share a scripture that I have included in […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/18/2020….”Our GOD is Faithful”
For those who have not been living under a rock, they will have noticed that we have been experiencing one of the most unusual years ever. Fires that have devastated huge areas of Australia, South America, Siberia, Africa, and many other locations— particularly since 2017—have only gotten worse, the fires of 2020 being the very worst of the worst. But […]
MIDEAST UPDATE Reprint from November 18, 2015
It is good for us to look back at some of the history of what God has done in past years. As I post this article from the archives, we are nearing the last week of September, 2019, and I’ve been writing these updates for 7 1/2 years. This Update being reprinted today is from the archives and is dated […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 5/6/2019 As I thought about how to approach today’s update, I thought about the perilous times in which so many missionaries today find themselves, particularly in the Middle East. As I write today, we have yet to hear any news concerning Sisters Mufiedah and Sarah, and brother Omar since they were arrested a few weeks ago for sharing […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 4/17/2019 “Father Forgive Them…”
Today’s account is the third in an unbelievable series of events. Some readers may even find the story hard to believe, but you can be assured, those who experienced the events will never forget them as long as they live. If you are new to this website, you might find it valuable to read the two previous posts in […]
In today’s Mideast Update, I have another astonishing story of God’s grace and forgiveness to share and also a very special prayer need to bring to your attention. I will share the prayer need first. In the previous update, I shared how fifty of the House of Blessing missionaries have taken on some temporary work to take care of a […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 3/11/2019 Is War Near?
This week is the eighth anniversary of the beginning of Syria’s civil war. One would think that the regime in Syria would be more than anxious for the end of the nightmare that the people of Syria have been going through. Yet, even after millions of Syrian civilians have left the nation and millions more have been displaced within the […]