MIDEAST UPDATE 11/20/2018 “And The Miracles Multiply!”

The encounter with one of God’s angels that Pastor Farid had after having been left for dead from his injuries in a garbage dump is a story that brings encouragement and also great praise to our God. We find these words about angels in the Book of Hebrews: …Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 11/5/2018 “Harvest Time!”

One of the wondrous things that happens when a person becomes a true follower of Yeshua / Jesus, is a heart change within. The Apostle Paul described it this way in 2 Corinthians: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 10/8/2018 “Racing To The Finish Line!”

  As we watch the threats of a major Mideast war continue to escalate, we are reminded that the House of Blessing missionaries are in great need of our prayers and support. Most of the HOB missionaries that are embedded within the populations have had the chance to relocate to safer areas but have chosen not to. The calling they […]



I am presently on a very short trip away from my home state but want to at least get a quick update out since it has been longer than usual since the last one. The situation in the northern part of Syria is not good. Although there has been a temporary hold put on the large military campaign that is […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 8/30/2018 Souls Passing Into Eternity

Lately, every time I get ready to write a House of Blessing Update, I wonder if the Mideast will erupt into a large scale war before I can even finish the update. War has been expected in the region for several years. The Middle East became embroiled in the so-called Arab Spring and Syria’s civil war which has now gone […]



URGENT I received an urgent request for prayer this morning that I want to pass on to you. In order to get this out quickly, I will write the regular Mideast Update in a second posting to the blog site. It wasn’t all that long ago when an urgent request was sent out for special prayer for Pastor R concerning […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 7/14/2018 “…and they did not love their lives to the death”

It goes without saying that for most of us, it is nearly impossible to picture for ourselves what the conditions really are where many missionaries serve in today’s world. This is certainly the case with the House of Blessing missionaries. The circumstances vary from place to place across the Middle East, but there are some constants. Every day is filled […]



In today’s update I would like to reprint an older episode as I sometimes do so that we don’t forget the great things God has done in the past in response to the prayers of God’s people. This story involves a number of House of Blessing missionaries, one of them being a man named Omar. This Omar however is not […]


MIDEAST UPDATE Pastor R…3/9/2018

Today’s Mideast Update will concern itself mainly with Pastor R. I am amazed at all of the things that have happened in the past six years since, by way of a divine appointment, our paths crossed. None of us could have imagined what would unfold. In early April 2013 Pastor R and two other men, Rami and Jameal, were brutally […]



The situation in the Middle East continues to be desperate, both with the weather this time of the year and of course the much worse problem of dealing with all the missile and bomb attacks. The loss of life among the civilians continues unabated. In the last few days at least 120 adult believers and 35 children from the House […]
