“SUDDENLY!” Part 10, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)

I have spent more time on the “Suddenly” series of articles than originally intended, but due to many questions in the previous weeks, I feel more in depth information is warranted. Our world is changing much more quickly than most are aware of. I heard someone say the other day that it would be much easier to keep one’s head […]



Time Running Out! I have more news to share after receiving another weekly call from Syria. One thing that becomes more apparent every week is the fact that time is running out. Most of us–even in the West, are getting at least some of the disturbing news from the Mideast and it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is a […]



“Greater Love Hath No Man” There are stories and then there are stories.  Some are forgotten not long after they are read. Then there are the stories you find yourself going over again and again in your mind. So many times in the last two years I have tried to imagine myself in some of the stories that have been […]



THE WIDOW SISTERHOOD Earlier this year, R**** shared with us the story of a Syrian woman who witnessed the murder of her husband at the hands of her son, because he refused to deny his new-found faith in Jesus Christ. What happened when her son demanded that she deny Christ in front of close to 400 witnesses has been told […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, July 28, 2014

It is hard for me to believe that we are already well over half way through 2014. Time is moving faster all the time, it seems. I look back into the archives and reread some of the Mideast Updates from past months and it’s amazing to see what God has done in such a short period of time. A project […]



Revelation 12:11 reads: They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. As I write this update today, it is Independency day in The United States of America, July 4. The details of this update were gathered from a couple […]



For today’s Mideast Update, I start with a passage of Scripture found in the short book of Jude, and I would like to offer for your reading in the Amplified version today: “But you, beloved, build yourselves up (founded) on your most holy faith–make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher–praying in the Holy Spirit; Guard and keep yourselves […]


JERUSALEM UPDATE: September 18, 2013

There are many missionary organizations around the world, most of them however being “nameless”, due to having to work underground. House Of Blessing, City Of Jesus Ministry, is one of these “nameless” ones. Access to financial help, and prayer from those around the world is dependent upon outsiders who are acquainted with the work being done. This is the case with these “Jerusalem Updates” which have been uploaded for the last 17 months after a personal trip to Jerusalem in March of 2012. This is a ministry that is legitimate, and very, very effective. Tens of thousands have found Jesus Christ the Messiah in the midst of desperate times. God has met them and loved them into His family. Please make yourselves available to this continuing amazing, miraculous story. It is still being written…


JERUSALEM UPDATE, March 20, 2013

I have found myself a bit brain-dead the last few days and so didn’t attempt to do any writing.  I got a call this morning however that had such a tremendous effect on me, I decided I at least need to get an update out on the missionary work of House Of Blessing, and make sure it is today before […]


For Such A Time As This…

by Jake (please be sure to read all the way to the end.  The story at the end, which by the way really happened less than 48 hrs. ago, is almost unbelievable.) Since having spent a few days in Jerusalem and because of this trip being the vehicle God used to put Anne and I in contact with our new […]
