Chronology of the Seals in Revelation 6…Part Nine

Many voices today are warning of imminent catastrophic events. Is this just a matter of conspiracy theory or sensationalism? In this writing, I will offer some scientifically verifiable changes in our environment, as well as in the cosmos, that few are aware of; and these stunning events appear to be setting the stage for the Apocalypse described in the Book […]


When You See These Things Beginning…

Missing the Forest for the Trees As Jesus sat with His disciples in the evening on what was most likely the day before His crucifixion, they asked Him three questions: “Tell us when these things shall be”? “What shall be the Sign of Your Coming?”  “What is the sign of the end of the age?” The Bible uses terms like […]



Below is a ‘word for word’ reprint of an article written by Gary, one of the founders of the excellent website, “UNSEALED”. I found it to have many reminders of why we as believers have much to be encouraged about at this late hour. It is a perfect time to REMEMBER what the Word of God has told us about […]



As we started this series, we referred to the boy who cried “Wolf” so many times that no one believed him. Many today see modern day prophets and watchmen doing the same as the boy. Are we really at the end of the age, or is it all superstition, speculation, or hype? In part three I will continue showing what […]
