As we come to the end of July, 2022, the situation for inhabitants of northern Syria—especially the refugees, is becoming increasingly difficult again. Turkey’s Erdogan has pushed for several years to establish and enforce a 30 km “buffer zone” just below Turkey’s border with Syria. Over the past 11 years of the Syrian civil war, Turkey has often sent military […]
This morning’s update is a very short one to let readers know of a couple new developments on the front lines with the House of Blessing missionaries. As you know, the emphasis on evangelism during the observance of the Muslim Eid al-Adha was very successful this year again. The miracle of the blind man being being opened before the eyes of […]
THE ‘PREEMINENCE’ of JESUS CHRIST…..Colossians 1:12-23
Who is Jesus Christ? Why is it that after 2,000 years of history having passed, He is still the central figure of all history? Was He merely a prophet as some claim? Was He just a historical influential philosopher, one of many? Or was He one among the many religious leaders we find listed in our history books? Was He […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…7/3/2022….”How Amazing is our GOD!”
Considering the size of the series of miracles in the last few weeks, including today’s addition, this update will be rather short. The reason for the brevity of today’s update is because the Muslim, Eid al-Adha, a time of special evangelism by the House of Blessing missionaries is only days away and I’d like you to know what has happened […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…6/27/2022…”Keep Looking Up!!”
In the previous update, I made mention of the fact that one of Islam’s most important feast days is coming up early in the month of July. The yearly Hajj begins July 7 and continues through July 12. The Eid al-Adha feast is celebrated in the last three days, ending on the 12th. I explained the significance of the feast […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….6/23/2022….”The Good News!”
Maybe it is because I am now an old guy, but it seems like time is flying by faster every day! Here we are, nearly at the end of June, 2022. The House of Blessing is already preparing for its evangelism effort during the time leading up to and during the yearly Muslim Hajj. Officially, the Hajj begins July 7 […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….6/11/2022….”Work While it is Day, Night is Coming…”
It has been about two weeks since I wrote the last update. The deadly attack on the HOB School of Ministry about three weeks ago had left most everyone that was connected with it in shock. It was not the only attack of its kind that the House of Blessing has experienced over the years but, nonetheless, a very hard […]
Seldom do I write three back-to-back updates this close together but the situation that has developed in the past week in regard to the attack on the HOB School of Ministry has brought an urgent need to bear. Without belaboring the point, as readers already know, 3 teachers and 25 male Bible students were slaughtered a few days ago as […]
SPECIAL MIDEAST UPDATE…5/26/2022…”And They Overcame Him By The Blood of the Lamb and Their Testimony”
This will be a very short update. I would like to pass on some information I just received a few hours ago. Pastor R called me earlier today, broken hearted, to let me know of an incident that he had just been made aware of. As regular readers will remember, the House of Blessing opened four Bible School classes just […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…5/23/2022…”And To All Those Afar Off”
I came across an interesting article in which the question was asked, “Is the West Missing the Harvest?” I spent some time pondering the question. For those of us who live in the West, unless we have contact with some knowledgeable people who are involved in overseas Christian ministries, we may not even be aware how explosive the harvest of […]