MIDEAST UPDATE…3/4/2020…”Multitudes…Multitudes”

It is amazing to look back over the last two months and see what has already come about in 2020. I believe this year will probably be a year like none other we in our generation have witnessed. We are able to access information from all around the world and for those who are paying attention, it is obvious that […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…2/19/2020…How Long O Lord?

As I spoke with Pastor R this last time, he told me that the situation with the refugees being forced out of the Idlib area is only getting worse. And, as I monitored the news coming out of Syria the last few days, his words were repeatedly confirmed.  I know that most people feel they have enough to contend with […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…1/16/2020…”Ticking of the Prophetic Clock”

In Romans 8:22-23 we find these words: “…the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.” (emphasis added) For anyone watching today’s news, it is easy to see […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…12/19/2019…Christmas, 2019

I’m not sure how many times I’ve looked at my calendar today and it’s still hard to accept that we are within days of the year 2020. Every year seems to go by faster than the previous one! As I look back over the year’s activities of the House of Blessing, I find myself giving much thanks to our Abba […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…12/7/2019…”A Dying Woman’s Vision–Part Three”

Before I get into today’s Mideast Update, including another miraculous story of God’s grace and mercy, let’s look at a passage of Scripture in the book of Romans: 14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…11/25/2019…”A Dying Woman’s Vision–Part Two”

I find it amazing that we are almost at the end of 2019. Looking back through the website archives, to see that the subject matter of the Update at the end of November 2018 included four major events, one year ago. Here at the end of November, the House of Blessing missionaries all across the mideast are doing their best […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…11/6/2019…”A Dying Woman’s Vision”

Over the years that I have been writing these Mideast Updates, passing on stories of real life events experienced by the House of Blessing missionaries, a phenomenon witnessed again and again is the amazing love and forgiveness of God and how it flows through His people, especially at some of the most difficult times.  The life of the Apostle Paul […]
