An urgent need has come to my attention just a few minutes ago. For those of you who read this blog, you will have just read an episode called Harvest Stories: Overcomers. If you have not, this is the direct link: The 26 widows whose experiences were told in this story have a special need. As I am sure […]



As I began to write this Mideast Update, the Iraqi military was involved in an all-out effort to free the city of Fallujah from ISIS. As I look at the news reports I have on my desk, officials estimate that approximately 84,000 people had been forced to flee their homes since the start of the government offensive in May against […]


HARVEST STORIES: Overcomers, 6/25/2016

We share here another story from the harvest fields in the Middle East. We believe that Father has a purpose in our hearing how some of our brothers and sisters in the Lord experience His love and His presence. Perhaps we will have a deeper grasp of that love and presence. Perhaps we will come to see how we too […]



I suspect I have read the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, known as the Faith Chapter with 15 verses beginning “by faith,” more times in the last four years than I had during my entire life before becoming involved with the House of Blessing. This “faith chapter”, provided a long list of many of the heroes of the faith and why […]


“And Once Again”, MIDEAST UPDATE, 6/12/2016

As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.  Proverbs 25:25 Stories travel fast in the Middle East when fueled by hope and a hunger for evidence of goodness, or mercy, or, ultimately, loving kindness.  When Jesus walked in village or countryside, desert or shoreline, people walked great distances to hear, to see, and […]


“Sarah’s Sequel” MIDEAST UPDATE, 6/8/2016

When we heard Sarah’s story of seeing God’s glory and seeing her children alive and happy in His presence, we could only imagine the impact that had on her and those around her.  To see into the heavenly realm is not easily described or even imagined, but to also see your loved ones in His Presence, is beyond our ability […]



For those who might read this blog regularly, it might seem that there is no end to the stories from the Middle East of war, killing, never-ending carnage, and seemingly a never-ending list of missionaries who have been martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. I would have to agree to a point. I have enough real life stories within […]


“Sarah’s Story”, MIDEAST UPDATE, 5/31/2016

Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.   Psalm 115:1 The lines of people coming to Pastor R’s tent, asking for prayer, continue day by day.  People who have so little, living only moment by moment, asking for prayer, seeking the comfort of a God they have […]



I have made reference more than once to the warnings Jesus left us concerning what would unfold in the period of time just prior to His return, but in light of the desperate situations in the Middle East, I would like to do so again. In Matthew 24:3-14, we have these words: Now as He sat on the Mount of […]



(caution, some photos below are pretty graphic) In the fourth chapter of John we find a passage of Scripture that I would like to use as an introduction to today’s Mideast Update. It begins in verse 31: …His disciples urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” […]
