I was reading in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah a couple days ago and once again read a passage that I have read many times; in fact have highlighted as well as partially underlined.  This scripture makes a good foundation for a few thoughts that have been running through my mind.  The passage is found in Jeremiah 6:16 and […]

JERUSALEM UPDATE, August 21, 2013

Much missionary work is going on in 2013, none more difficult than in the middle of the civil war going on in Syria. A ministry run by House Of Blessing, Jerusalem is in the thick of it and are paying a very heavy price to share the love of God to people who have no hope, nor have they ever heard of the God of love who paid the price for mankind’s freedom, eternally. This is the last installment of a 16 month saga by H.O.B. and its humble founder.


JERUSALEM UPDATE, August 4, 2013

Since the last “House Of Blessing” update was uploaded I have had two additional contacts with our Israeli pastor friend R*.  I found his updates quite encouraging and again found more reason than ever to keep him and his volunteer missionaries not just in occasional prayer, but earnest prayer as the book of James calls for when it says that […]



This is a two part series using seven signs pointing to the imminent return of Jesus Christ, included in a 19th century book written by G.H. Pember, who was a British theologian. Pember was not the typical theologian, nor a typical researcher. As a result, he did not have a problem crossing some theological thought that did not always make sense; nor align with many things found in Scripture. As a result, he endured a whole lot of flack, as does anyone that considers any of the things he had to say. I happen to be one of those because, from my own much own research, which hardly is in the same league, answers a whole lot of questions that has reached a number of intellectuals I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with. Because of the length of the original article, I have had mercy on the reader and split it into two parts, the seventh sign being the only one not totally completed yet. It will be out sometime this weekend (first few days of June, 2013). Don’t be surprised if some of it is controversial to common accepted thought…but that is quite often a sign of a truth or two that have been avoided because they were not all that “comfortable”! Enjoy, and don’t try to read it too fast. Much might be missed.
