Second Seal: Spirit of Violence and Bloodshed—Revelation 6:3-4 3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one that sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another, and there was given […]
“The Worthy One” — “The Lamb of GOD”
In preparation for a detailed study of Revelation 6-7 which includes the 7 Seals of the Apocalypse, I have reformatted and brought back a study done in 2019 on Revelation 4-5. An accurate understanding of the Throne Room scene and its timing will help with a proper understanding of what the unfolding of the 7 Seals and details surrounding them […]
“The Catching Away” in Zephaniah’s Prophecy?
Zephaniah’s Pre-Tribulation Rapture I recently came across an excellent article which happens to be in line with some of my own studies in the Old Testament Book of Zephaniah. It was written by an author by the name of Corey (last name unknown to me) and is found on a website called “End Times: Darkness Descending”. I decided to share […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…6/27/2022…”Keep Looking Up!!”
In the previous update, I made mention of the fact that one of Islam’s most important feast days is coming up early in the month of July. The yearly Hajj begins July 7 and continues through July 12. The Eid al-Adha feast is celebrated in the last three days, ending on the 12th. I explained the significance of the feast […]
“Crucifixion to the Resurrection”
The very center point of human history is punctuated by one man whose life had a greater effect on the human race than anyone who has ever lived. Although Jesus Christ was not born exactly in the year -0-, nor did He die in that year, the timeline of history wraps around His life. The time before Christ is traditionally […]
The Reality of the Rapture … Part 2 of 2 … 6/19/2021
Continued from Part One… It was not only the Apostle Paul who warned against mocking. We find the Apostle Peter spoke about it as well. 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by […]
The Reality of the Rapture … Part 1 of 2 … 6/18/2021
This is a reprint of an article I wrote nearly two years ago, but the warning bells for this sudden supernatural event have never been as loud and clear as they are today! Part one and two of this fascinating study will run back to back. May they encourage you as they do me! Jake Geier ******************* The “Rapture” […]
No matter what news source you pick up, the main subject matter is the COVID-19. The novel coronavirus took very little time to circle the globe. Life as most knew it has changed drastically. This is also the case in the Middle East. As the Islamic month of Ramadan has now officially begun, Muslims are finding themselves in a situation […]
Many voices today are warning of catastrophic events imminent. Is this just a matter of conspiracy or sensationalism? In this article I will offer some scientifically verified changes in our environment as well as the cosmos that very few are aware of and these stunning events appear to be setting the stage for John the Revelator’s Apocalypse in the Book […]
The Dead Church Studies of the letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3 are fascinating, but I find the letter to the Church of Sardis of particular interest. The things Jesus had to say in describing this church are unique, and I believe you will find the same as we take an in-depth look at this passage of Scripture. Let’s […]