The outpouring of God’s Spirit around the world today is truly amazing. I read of the mighty things happening in some of the most difficult places on earth and one can only bow the knee and thank our Father in heaven for His matchless love for mankind. In this world where chaos is becoming the order of the day, in […]
The Muslim day of Ramadan ended Friday, the 17th of July this year. I received a phone call from Pastor R***** with glowing reports from the different areas that the House Of Blessing missionaries have been scattered during this year’s Ramadan. As regular readers of this blog already know, this time of Ramadan has been a special time of soul […]
Richard Wurmbrand, founder of the “Voice of the Martyrs”, after having spent fourteen years in a Communist prison in Romania, had this to say, “A man really believes not what he recites in his creed, but only the things he is ready to die for. The Christians of the underground church have proved that they are ready to die for […]
Just a few moments before I received my call from House of Blessing this week, I was reading a passage of Scripture in 1 Peter which reads: But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. And above all things have fervent love for one another, for ‘love will cover a multitude […]
As discussed in part one, the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden left his relationship with his Creator broken. Not only that, but death was brought into the picture, not just for the human race but also for creation itself. Everything that had been perfectly created and designed to continue in perfection throughout the eons of time, now […]
After my latest phone call from House Of Blessing out of one of the huge refugee camps in Syria I could not help but think of some Scriptures that speak to the relationship we as representatives of the Kingdom of God have with both the redeemed as well as the lost all around us. I thought I might start this […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 11/11/2014
This last week has been very eventful. I received a report from Syria with photos taken in Northern Syria near the border with Turkey. Mofidah, and her group of widows in Syria, who have had so many astounding experiences in the past few months, was able to get to Pastor R****’s location and visit with him in person. She brought […]
Time Running Out! I have more news to share after receiving another weekly call from Syria. One thing that becomes more apparent every week is the fact that time is running out. Most of us–even in the West, are getting at least some of the disturbing news from the Mideast and it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is a […]
Quite often in recent times I have experienced an urgency in my soul. This is one of those times so I must set aside everything else I have been working on and share some thoughts that are crowding my mind today, including what I believe is coming at us in our immediate future. As most of us know, we are […]