After the fall of Bashar al-Assad and the Assad family dictatorship on December 8, 2024, there was, understandably, considerable jubilation among the Syrian population, especially among those who have been displaced and have been living in refugee camps all across the nation. The Assad regime had been well known for its barbaric brutality since its beginning, but it only got […]
Comfort One Another With These Words
The title for this article stems from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the first century church in Thessaloniki, Turkey. It is actually said twice: Once in chapter 4:18: “Therefore comfort one another with these words.” It is mentioned a second time in chapter 5:11: “Therefore comfort each other and edify one another…” There is another passage written by the Old […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…9/30/2024…”Imitators of the Father, as Beloved Children”
Just before sharing a fresh report on the latest from the House of Blessing, I’d like to share what I hope will be an encouragement for the reader. In today’s world in which “normal” is being turned on its head; right being considered wrong and wrong considered right, it is important for us to remember “who” we really are as […]
Impending Storm August 6, 2024
Famous scientist and mathematician, Isaac Newton (1642-1727), had many notable quotes attributed to him. One referred to this very time in history we find ourselves in today: “About the time of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…7/18/2024…”What If?”
There are a number of Scriptures that remind us that we should be aware of the crucial nature of “time”: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 NKJV “Walk in wisdom […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…5/2/2024…”Times and Seasons”
One of the disturbing facts that is becoming clearer by the day is that there are those in our world who, even though unelected by the populous, are in a position to make decisions according to their agenda that adversely affect everyone on the planet. A question that inevitably crosses our minds and sometimes plagues people is: Does God not […]
ISRAEL And The Coming Great Middle East War — Part Three
In light of current events in the Middle East between Israel and Iran, I am reprinting an article written in the fall of 2023. Could it be that this described scenario, or one similar to it, is imminent? It is worth a second look! Israel was heavily attacked two nights ago, and will respond — possibly with a devasting blow! […]
In One Hour Everything Is Going To Change
Watch out! Don’t let my sudden coming catch you unawares; don’t let me find you living in careless ease, carousing and drinking, and occupied with the problems of this life, like all the rest of the world. Keep a constant watch. And pray that if possible you may arrive in my presence without having to experience these horrors. (Luke 21:34-35 […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/17/2023…”Wars, Rumors and Threats of Wars”
The Mideast Updates are generally focused on what is happening in regard to the missionary work of the House of the Blessing. As most of the world knows, however, Israel was viciously attacked by the Hamas terrorist group and because of the extreme brutality and extent of the attack, Israel is left with no option but to do everything in […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…10/14/2023…”Be Still and Know I’m GOD!”
Greetings Everyone: I wanted to send out a very short special update because so many have been concerned about the safety of Brother Talal and others in light of the things that are happening in Israel. I spoke to him a couple days ago and he confirmed many of the things that we’ve heard in the news concerning the devastating […]